Chapter 15- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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You've got to be kidding me I'm always the clumsy one to bump into people, I looked up to see who i had bumped into this time, great just what I needed Blake out of all people he would probably go and tell Grayson about this and I would be in trouble even before officially being in the gang.
"Jessica what a surprise, what are you doing here?" He asked, he looked behind me and looked at Virginia. "I'm Blake, who might you be?"
"I got lost." Was my response before getting out of his and Virginias way.
"Umm I'm Virginia." She said nervously.
"Nice to meet you beautiful." Blake said with a small smile.
"Nice to meet you too." Virginia said looking at her feet.
"Hurry up we need to get home!" Dylan said annoyed..
"I have to go." Virginia said walking towards Dylan and I.
"Alright see you around." He said smiling and walking away.
"Who is he?" She asked me.
"He's Graysons brother, the guy from math class." I explained as we made our way to the underground area...
   "Go get some drinks if you girls want, we leave this place in 3 hours." Dylan said walking away to who knows where.
"He does realize we came in my car right?" I told Virginia.
"We should probably leave that group of guys over there keeps staring at us." She said pointing to a bunch of boys who looked to be in their 20s.
"Yeah lets go." I said heading towards the stairs we came down here from, out of the corner of my eye i saw the guys that were staring at Virginia and I start walking towards the exit aswell, I grabbed Virginias hand and picked up the pace once outside we acted normal so that they wouldn't speed up their pace if they realized that we knew they were behind us.
   We were almost to the car we could literally see it when i felt someone grab my hand and pull me back. "Hello pretty thang what you doin out here by yourselves?" One of the guys asked me as the other grabbed Virginia aswell.
  "Umm we were just leaving we came here with a friend." I said not really wanting to give to much information.
   "Why don't you girls come back to our place." The guy that was still holding my wrist said.
  "Umm I don't think that's a good idea." Virginia said hesitating a bit.
   "We don't have room for an argument babe, meaning that you're coming back to our place whether you like it our not!" The guy yelled in Virginias face.
   "We're not going with you, get it through your thick skull." I said to the guy trying to pull my hand out of his grip, before I could react he had me over his shoulder and Virginia was in the same position as me. I started hitting the guy on his back and let out some profanities.
   "LET ME DOWN!!" Virginia yelled and hit the guy on the neck which caused the guy to loosen his grip from around her and she was able to get out of his grip, I kicked the guy holding me where the sun doesn't shine and we both ran towards the car at full speed, we were almost to the car when once again I felt someone pull me back but this time the guy slapped me across the face catching me off guard which caused me to fall to the ground, Virginia was pinned up to the car and the guy was trying to force her to kiss him. In one swift movement I stood up and threw a punch at the guy that had slapped me he fell to the floor giving me time to take out my pepper spray and throw it at Virginia for her to use it but unfortunately the pepper spray was snatched out of my hands and thrown across the parking lot by the guy that i had just punched.
   All of a sudden I heard a scream full of horror coming from Virginia, the guy was trying to rip her top off. "LET HER GO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs about to run and help her but I was grabbed and something hard was held against my head I soon realized that it was a gun.
   "Don't make any sudden movements or you die." The guy said harshly against my ear that caused my breathing to become uneven. I looked at Virginia and she was struggling to get away.
    "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Virginia yelled as tears ran down her cheeks.
   "Shut up B*TCH!!" The guy yelled at her slapping her across the face which caused me to yell at the guy to stop over and over again.. The guys started to drag us to who knows where until we heard a gunshot and both of the guys stopped in their tracks.

             Graysons P.O.V

   I was getting a drink from the bar at the underground place before leaving with Blake because our dad was forcing Blake to attend school tomorrow which meant that we had to leave somewhat early, it's currently around 8:40 pm.
"Bro we should leave don't you think." Blake said walking up to me.
"Yeah let's go." I said walking towards the exit, when we were outside we headed towards the parking lot where we had parked our car.. We were about to get there when i heard a scream coming from a girl.
    "LET HER GO!!" I heard the voice say, I turned to Blake to check if he heard it too and he gave me a slight nod meaning that he had.. We waited for about a minute and everything was silent until another girl screamed.
   "NO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!." The voice said.. causing us to speed over to the direction.
   "Shut up B*TCH." A male voice yelled followed by a smacking sound. Another girl voice yelled repeatedly to stop, Blake and i ran towards where the screaming was coming as we neared two guys were dragging two girls to their car and one of them was holding a gun towards a short girl who was struggling to get out of his grip..
Blake and I pulled out our guns and fired at the air causing the two guys to stop in their tracks.
"Let the girls go!" I said lowly trying to control my anger, seeing a male hurting a female was one of the things that made me most angry..
"NOW!" Yelled Blake. The guys turned around slowly still holding the girls, as soon as my eyes landed on the girls I recognized them and so did Blake by the look on his face. It was Virginia and Jessica, Jessica looked full on angry while Virginia looked scared out of her mind I could see some bruises forming on their faces causing me to get angry and think why the hell were they here in the first place..
   "Let them go!" I said looking at the guy who i now recognized as casper and the guy holding Virginia was Daniel.
   "Common Grayson, Blake we just want to have some fun with them." Casper said looking at Jessica who just glared daggers at him.
"Let them go now!" Blake said looking at the guy holding Virginia..
"Or what have you not realized that if I wanted to I could pull the trigger and kill her." Casper said looking at the gun..
End of Graysons P.O.V

"Or what, have you not realized that if I wanted to i could pull the trigger and kill her." The guy holding me said, oh heck to the no I ain't dying today, i felt I guys grip loosen a bit giving me the opportunity to bring my elbow forward and then backwards hitting him straight in the nose causing blood to come out i then proceeded to get out of his grip turn around and kick the gun out of his hand the gun flew to the ground and i ran over to it picking it up and pointing it at his head.
"Now this is better." I sneered, Grayson and Blake just stood there staring at me shocked. "Let her go.. NOW!!"
"Or what!" The guy holding me before asked, without thinking I aimed the gun at his leg and shot causing him to fall to the ground screaming in pain.
"Now either let her go or your little friend is dead." I said to the guy holding Virginia while the guy was staring at me i saw Blake creep behind the guy and hit him in the head with the button of his gun, as soon as the guy released her she ran over to me and I pulled her into a hug as she sobbed onto my shoulder. "It's ok you're ok."
   I turned to face the boys but the guys had grabbed them and they were currently in a fight there was blood everywhere, Grayson was on top of the guy that had me and Blake was beating up the guy that had Virginia. I let go of Virginia to go and stop the guys from fighting any longer, Virginia walked over to Blake and begged for them to stop.
    "Grayson stop you're going to kill him!" I yelled..
    "I should!" he said punching the guy one more time, he turned to face me and I noticed that he had a busted lip and his cheekbone was turned purple.
   "Oh my gosh are you ok?" I asked seeing his face.
  "I'm fine." He answered simply. "My question to you both is what the heck were you doing here in the first?"
I took a deep breath thinking of a quick lie... "Umm we thought this was a club and got lost."
"Who would think this is a club it's in the middle of nowhere." Blake said.
"Well we did alright." Virginia said. "Now if you'll excuse us we really need to get home because there's school tomorrow."
"This little talk isn't over." Grayson said before walking away with Blake following, we walked over to my car and headed over to my house as soon as we got to my house I lend Virginia some pjs and i let ger know where the other bathroom was so that we could take a shower after we did all of that we went to sleep.......
  (Next morning)
   We were currently getting ready for school our cheeks were actually bruised andvwe had to cover it up with some makeup my outfit was a simple black t-shirt and some sweats and my black converse i put my hair into a ponytail.
  We drove to school and we immediately headed to our little spot which was at the back of the school and there was a bench, we talked for a little bit about what we were going to wear to meet the gang today and about how Blake and Grayson seemed really pissed off about us being there..
   "Here comes Ashley." Virginia said nudging me.
   "Hey girls." Ashley said smiling.
   "Hi." Virginia and I answered back.
   "How was your night?" I asked to see if she would lie.
   "It was boring as usual I did my homework and my boyfriend Derek came over." She lied smoothly.
   "Do you happen to have a twin?" Virginia asked.
   "Umm no why?" She asked raising her eyebrow.
  "I could have sworn I saw you at the underground area making out with a guy." I said pretending to think back.
  "Oh i think you were mistaken." She said once again lying.
  "No seriously cut the act!" Virginia said getting frustrated at the fact that she was lying.
   "Fine ok i was there but only because my boyfriend convinced me to go but i swear when i told you i had other plans I was telling the truth." She said, she seemed to be telling the truth but i was spectacle about it still
   "Ok." I said simply as the bell rang we headed to class and went through with our day....
  (Skip school day)
"Let's go to starbucks." I said to the girls while walking to my car we all got in and headed to starbucks. Once we got there we all ordered a medium Caramel Frapuccinno with caramel walls and we went over to take a seat, once we were seated we talked about random stuff and got to know each other a little better.
"Derek is picking me up in about 5 minutes." Ashley said.
"Oh." I answered not knowing what else to say.
"Yeah he said he has a surprise for me so yeah." She said smiling, as soon as she said that I got a text from Dylan saying that the boss wanted us at the address at 5:00 pm and it was currently 3:30 pm so Ashley leaving was actually at a good timing so that Virginia and I could go change.
"Aww that's cute." Virginia said..
"And that's him." Ashley said pointing at the same guy from the underground area and smiling at him she stood up and greeted him. "Babe this is Jessica and Virginia, Virginia, Jessica meet Derek."
"Nice to meet you girls." Derek said shaking our hands politely. "Now if you don't mind we need to go somewhere."
"No problem we were just leaving aswell." I said standing up.
"Bye." Ashley said before walking out hand in hand with her boyfriend.
"Ok let's go get ready." Virginia said as we walked out and headed to the car.. We got to the house and changed our clothes and did our hair and we were ready to go.

 We got to the house and changed our clothes and did our hair and we were ready to go

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We were currently heading to the address which happened to be a warehouse.. When we arrived Dylan and the boss were standing outside.
    "Hello girls, so here's how it's going to workout.. Iam going to announce that we have new members then I'll signal for you guys to come in got it." Graysons dad said.
   "Yes sir." Virginia and I answered.. We walked behind him and stopped right at the entrance.
   "EVERYONE!" He yelled. "We have two new members of the gang with us today."
   The people inside cheered while we just stood outside waiting for our signal.
   "Everyone please welcome Jessica and Virginia as official gang members." Boss said telling us to come in we, came in and everyone became silent.
   "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Grayson and Blake yelled........

Not Edited!

Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now