Chapter 7- Falling for the gangleaders son

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Recap~ Gray covered my mouth so that I wouldn't scream  but I guess it was a little to late because as soon as his hand went up to my mouth the closet door burst open and..........

As soon as the closet door burst open I heard three gunshots which I was supposed to hear, My heart sped up as I looked up to make sure that Gray was ok. Grayson got out of the closet and started to cuss at the guys that were outsid the words I could make out was. "If you guys try to hurt her again you'll die." And." Oh no we're so scared wait and see what your dad will do when he finds out your protecting the sl*t." After that I heard a slapping sound. "Don't you ever call her that again understand I won't hesitate to kill you both now gets the heck out of here before I change my mind and kill you right now." I heard shuffling around until I heard the living room door slam shut....

"Jess you can come out now their gone." I heard Gray say softly I started getting out of the closet and I was shaking still in fear I couldn't help but tell him to get out I mean he is the son of the guy who wants me dead this might be a trap to kill me easier.
"GET OUT GRAYSON I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU IN MY HOUSE OR NEAR MY HOUSE AGAIN!!!" I yelled at him I felt kind of bad about it but I couldn't trust him knowing that he could kill me at any moment I mean he did have a gun with him..
"Really Jess I just helped you and you want me out of your house?!" He asked sounding hurt. "Can't I at least get a thank you, I mean that is the least I you could do I mean I did save your life.."
"Thank you ok I appreciate it but please go." I said
"Fine suit yourself." He said walking out of my room and slamming the door. I ran down locking all the doors.

Grayson p.o.v

Are all girls like that?? I asked my self, one minute she's holding on to me for dear life and the next minute she's yelling at me to get out I mean I understand that she's scared and all but I wouldn't hurt her as  long as it meant that I'm protecting her... I know I sound like a girl but I kinda like her and I don't think it's a good thing to like her because I know that will only put her in more trouble than she already is.... When I got home I went straight to my dads room and I did what I thought I wouldn't do yell at him.
        "DAD HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER SHES SO SWEET AND NICE TO EVERY ONE!" I yelled feeling angry that he would do that to her.
      "First of all don't ever yell at me second this is my house and I make the rules and third who the hell are you talking about." He asked looking confused.
         "Don't act like you don't know dad I'm clearly talking about Jess..." I said annoyed.
      "What the hell are you talking about I stoped that mission of killing her when I discoverd that her "parents"."

                   Jess's p.o.v. 
        I was still sitting on the couch in shock of what had happened a couple of hours ago I still couldn't believe it and what I couldn't believe most of all is that I was Falling for a gangleaders son....
   I was starting to get nervouse because my brothers and sisters weren't home yet since 7:00 am and currently it was 8:00pm I tried calling them several times but none of them would answer..
I heard a knock at the door when I went to open it and there was a note laying on the floor I grabbed it with shaky hands when I opened it it said

    So I see you got the visit from our friends and I know your home alone so expect another visit soon and I would recommend you stay away from Grayson if you don't want him to get Hurt aswell as you.... P.S your brothers will be fine aslong as you do what we ask.....
    They had my brothers and I couldn't do anything to stop them from hurting them..
     I started to shake again and being stupid I ran outside my house and ran straight to the park were Sarah was killed and I couldn't help it I needed to let it all out I needed to tell someone what's going on and I have no body and the person I thought that I could trust is the son of a killer... I just sat on a bench in the park for around two hours thinking about my horrible life and then he had to show up didn't I tell him not to fallow be not to look for me..
       "Jess!!" Grayson yelled as soon as he said my name I started walking away from him." I need to talk to you Jess please stop walking away I want to help you.."
      "How could you help me Gray how huh when your dad is after me." I asked sounding upset still not facing him.
      "Jess that's what I want to talk to you about, it's not my dad who's after you ok he stoped that a couple of days ago.." He said looking at me in the eye as I had finally looked at him. His next words broke my heart. "Your parents.......

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