Chapter 3- Falling for the gangleaders son

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      Sarah showed me the way to second period when we entered which was a couple of minutes late everyone turned and looked at us I stood awkwardly by the door..
     "Mhm!" I heard the teacher clear her throat. "Sarah why are you late again?" The teacher said annoyed I was surprised when she said Again "And who might this be?" The teacher asked looking at me.
      "Umm I'm Jess I'm new to the school and I had trouble finding my class so Sarah helped me find my way." I said awkwardly.
    "Oh yeah I was told we would have a new student, sorry my name is Mrs,Clair." She said smiling at me. "Ok Sarah you can go take your seat now. Jess why don't you tell the class a bit about yourself." Mrs,Clair told me.
    I walked to the from of the class and looked around nervously while looking around my eyes locked with the nicest hazel eyes witch were the exact ones I saw in the office I looked away quickly and started my little speech.. "Ok, so my name is Jess I'm 17 years old I came here from Santa Barbara California I have 5 older brothers Toby, emmet, Edward, James and Conner I also have two older sisters named Leila and Tiffany they come to this same school and I like boxing." I finished of looking awkwardly towards the teacher.
     The class clapped making me feel a bit better." Ok Jess you can sit by Grayson he's all the way in the back." She said looking towards the back I looked back there awkwardly." Oh sorry my bad you don't know who he is, Gray please raise your hand so that Jess can find her seat." As soon as she said that the boy I saw in the office raised his hand,my heart started raising as I started making my way towards the back of the classroom as I did so I could feel his eyes on me once I took my seat I looked to the front board avoiding his eyes he tapped me on the shoulder making me look into his hazel eyes "Hello my name is Grayson and you are." He said in a cocky voice.
       I just looked at him annoyed didn't he pay attention during my speech." Didnt you hear me when I said my name up there." I said in a bitchy tone rolling my eyes.
"Oh I see you are a sassy one." He said laughing." Guess what I was paying attention I just wanted to ask to make small talk but whatever." He said rolling his eyes and looking away. I felt kinda bad for my bitchy attitude but I didn't know him at all.
     As the bell rings Grayson is the first one out of the room I just roll my eyes and think boys..
      "Yo Sarah what's wrong with that Grayson kid is he bipolar or something?" I asked out of nowhere.
     "Umm you could say that but I would recommend that you stay away from him he's full of trouble and I don't think your brothers would like you getting hurt my a jerk bag." She said looking worried about something. "Anyways I have to go I have detention have a nice break." She said while walking away.
   What did she mean he's full of trouble? He didn't seem at all a trouble maker but I mean what do I know. The rest of the school day was pretty uneventful to say the least.

      After 2nd period I didn't see Grayson at all for the rest of the day and I mean who am I kidding he's gorgeous but I have to take in mind what Sarah told me after 2nd period.
       "Hey jess are you ok you seem pretty quite are you okay?" Said Tiffany with concern in her voice.
      "Yeah I'm fine Tiff just thinking." I said back calmly.
      "Oh ok just asking, so how was your first day of school?" She asked.
      "It was pretty good I mean I made a new friend she's really nice and she showed me around campus and helped me find my classes." I said kinda tired of the topic." Im kinda tired I'm going to go up to my room." I said while walking upstairs.
     Once I got to my room I decided to text Cameron....


To: Cam-
  YO my friend:)

From: Cam-
     Hey jess:) how have you been?

To: Cam-
     I've been fine a little bit bored because you aren't here to have fun with me but other than that I'm ok:/

From: Cam-
    That's good ha and I thought you would come back:(

      Common you know I didn't have a choice Cam if I did I would have stayed:( you know I love you right<3

      Yeah I know jess I just really miss you</3

       I miss you to cam</3 But I'll come visit as soon as I can

      Yeah you better:p haha well ttyl Jess I have to go.

      Oh ok don't miss me to much:p Adios mi amigo (goodbye my friend)
                          (End of convo)

       After that he didn't answer back I was a little sad about it but I quickly got over it when I decided to go to the closest gym for a quick round of boxing I got into my gym cloths and headed out...
       I had trouble finding the gym at first but I finally found one named Kim's gym I thought it was a funny name, as I walked in I noticed only a few guys in there that suddenly made me feel self conscious the one guy that caught my eye was Grayson as soon as I passed them to get to the boxing section of the gym I heard someone wistle I just ignored it and got to where I wanted to go.
       Once I found a perfect spot I started throwing punches and low and high kicks on the dummy I could feel the guys eyes on me I just had to let all the emotions I was feeling in the dummy or I would end up hurting someone. I finished my work out with a few more punch and kicks when I was done I turned around to see the guys including Grayson with wide eyes.. That's when I realized I was still only wearing my sports bra witch I instantly covered up with an over sized t-shirt..
     I started to walk out of the gym when I heard a guy say." Yo Gray if you don't stop looking at her like that it's gonna look like you're a pervert." At that I blushed even though I wasn't sure It was about me. Once I got home my oldest brother Emmet was outside the house looking really pissed off.
       "Jessica where the heck were you didn't I tell you that it's dangerous to be out this late at night especially here in Miami Jess there are gangs here waiting for there next victim are you that dumb to not even tell us where you are going!!!???" He yelled at me before I even got fully near the house.
        "Wos Emmet I'm not dead am I you don't have to be so over protective all the time I'm not a little girl anymore I'm turning 18 in 2 months. Why don't you guys just understand that??!!" I said back getting pissed off.
        "Jess you don't understand anything you don't even know half of what Go's on here in Miami I've been here longer than you have so don't tell me not to be over protective of you. And not only because you're almost 18 it means that you're old enough to do whatever the heck you want understand... You don't know how worried mom got when she found out you were gone you have no idea." He said really pissed off now. I just looked at him for a while before saying "Ok I understand it was bad of me not to ask permision and I'm sorry... I'm going up to my room now." I said feeling hurt and mad at the same time, don't they trust me I might be small but I can protect myself. I started walking into the house and up the stairs.
       "Jess!" I heard my brother say. " JESSICA! I'm not done talking yet come backs here now!!!" He yelled even more pissed off if that is even possible.
       "No, Emmet im done talking." I said walking into my room slamming the door shut. I might sound like a brat right now but it just annoys me how they always protect me like if I was a baby I might not me old enough and mature enough but I can protect myself. After letting some tears of anger spill I walked into the bathroom in my room and took a long shower once I got out I changed into a t-shirt and some sweat pants basically those are my pajamas, I untangled my hair and when I got out of the bathroom I noticed it was 9:40 p.m damn that's late I thought to my self I started getting my bed ready so I could go to sleep.. When I got a text from an anonymous person.
           "I'm watching you"- it read
       All of a sudden I felt fear in me something I rarely felt. I read the text over and over again not believing it but I was to sleepy to think straight i Layed down on my bed and looked straight up to the ceiling and I let the sleep take over me.

Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now