Chapter 24- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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I was currently laying down on the ground after Ashley threw me over her shoulder, i was sweating like i had never sweat before. Remeber how i was being stubborn and saying i was ready, well i was wrong this is way harder thani thought. I had trained before having over protective brothers and all but this was a whole new level.
"I thought you said you were ready." Adrian said smirking as he looked down at me. I shot him a glare just as Ashley stood in front of me offering her hand so that i could get up.
"Well I'm sorry i had never really trained to save my life or anothers life before." I said clutching my side as i had bruised it pretty bad at the start of the training.
"And this is exactly what the training is for." Matthew said raising his brow at me.

2 months later...

It has been approximately a 2 months since we transferred to this house, nothing major has really come up since then other than me getting a job because i didn't want to seem like a burden. I feel like i already am one without wanting to be, Adrian and i haven't talked much ever since the incident about him telling me what happened to his mom.. Other than occasional rude remarks towards one another, and being ordered around during training.
Ashley and I have gotten really close, we both got a job close to eachother so that after work we wouldn't be left alone. Although of course Matthew was always checking the premises to make sure we were safe and there was no danger. I still thought about Virginia occasionally, Blake has been trying to conduct a plan to get her back; but as usual Adrian was not been cooperating to the idea.
    Although Ashley and i had managed to get closer she had started drifting apart out of a nowhere, i just saw her after work and i got dropped off at the house before she would leave with Matthew to take care of business. No one said my real name anymore, not even Blake or Adrian, it was as if the old me was dead and somehow Alessandra had been living this life since i was born.
   "Aless!" Blake yelled snapping me out of my thoughts, him and I had also gotten close in a way. "It's time to train, and this time I won't go easy on you."
   "Oh common Blake I'm gonna kick your ass." I said chuckling, he has been my training partner for the past week because everyone else is busy doing Gang businesses. We walked into our training room and stood there for a bit thinking of how it was going to go down.
   "Alright come at me." He said laughing. I just stared at him as if he was crazy, last time i "came at him" i almost died not knowing what i was getting myself into. "You scared?"
   "Nah, I'm just thinking of ways to bring you down." I said a bit un-sure. Before we could even start Adrian burst into the room looking angrier than i had ever seen him.
   "Are you kidding me!" Adrian yelled, i couldn't tell if he was yelling at me or at Blake. "Even after i told you not to go ahead and plan to save Virginia you still proceed to send some of our men out there to potentially get killed."
   "What did you want me to do?" Blake asked, sounding annoyed. "Not do anything, I'm the only one that seems to care about her."
    "You're being selfish here Blake, you're only taking your feelings into consideration before others safety." Adrian said clearly really upset at Blakes action. "Aless please tell me you weren't in on this, because if you were i wouldn't count on me to try and locate the family of yours that may still be alive."
   "You wouldn't dare." I said raising my voice. "Even if i was in on it, the fact that you threaten me with my family is so low."
I walked out of the training room and walked to my room feeling my blood boil at his words, i understand that he has hatred for me but to threaten me and tell me that if i was in on it he wouldn't help me find my family is just sickening.
    I need to talk to Ashley and figure out why she's been ignoring me lately. I got back out of my room and walked into her room only to find hee making out with Matthew, i guess they heard me enter becaue they immediately seperated in shock.
  "Not a word to Adrian!" Matthew said standing up from the bed. I looked at him still shocked.
  "We mean it Alessandra, not a word to my brother." Ashley said walking up to me as Matthew left the room.
  "Umm i won't." I said, still confused with the situation. "I just wanted to talk to you."
   "About?" She asked sounding annoyed. I stared at her wondering if i should even ask.
  "Did i do something wrong?" I asked genuinely confused and not knowing what i did.
   "Why would you ask?" She said rolling her eyes.
   "Well you seem to be ignoring me lately thats why I ask." I said, a bit rudely this time irritated at her for avoiding the question.
   "As a matter of fact yes you've done everything wrong." She shot, catching me of guard. "You blamed my brother for everything, if anything you should have thanked him for saving you. You are nothing but selfish, you only think about yourself oh i didn't want this i didn't even know who my real parents were. But what about us? He was kind enough to let you stay here at this house and not leave you in the warehouse and not once have you thanked him."
    "Our mom died trying to find you and you only think about how your life is ruined, what about us. Our mom won't be coming back... So maybe you should think about someone other than yourself." She finished glaring at me, we stood silent for a bit. "Get out of my room."
   "Look i didn't mean to come off as selfish." I said trying to sound as calm as possible.
   "Well you did, now leave." She said pointing towards the door. I listened to her and stepped outside only for her to slam the door in my face. I just stared at the door for what felt like a long while before i decided to go outside for a walk to get my mind off of things.
   I walked to the garden and took a seat on a bench, i started to think about everything. Maybe she's right i do think about myself a lot. I can't believe I've been selfish enough to think only of myself for all we know Virginia could be getting abused and i haven't done anything to try and get her back. I would be lieing if i said i didn't miss her because i missed her like hell, she was always there for me and bringing her into this mess caused her to get captured by a rival gang. I'm starting to believe that all of this might actually be my fault.
    I was snapped out of my thoughts as i heard footsteps approaching me, i turned around to see Matthew walking up to me, i took the chance and stood up from the bench.
   "I won't say anything." I said back as calmly as possible, he took a step closer causing me to take a step backward.
   "Well it better stay a secret or we're going to have a problem." He said in my face, i was utterly shocked my his action. Sure i barely talked to him but he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
   "Whats going on here!" Adrian asked as he approached us. I never thought I'd say this but I'm so happy to see and hear Adrian, in any other situation i would have roled my eyes but in this one i was so thankful that he showed up.
    "She tried to run away." Matthew said, this caused me to look at him with wide eyes. "Isn't that right Aless?"
   Adrian turned to look at me and rose a brow, i was completely in shock. "I didn't do anything!" I said, but then thinking about it who knows what Adrian would do if he found out what happened between them, that would just make Ashley distance herself even more from me. "Well i mean i just wanted some fresh air, i didn't know that leaving the premises would count as trying to run away."
   "She's lying, she caused quite the scene" Matthew said, which once again had me at loss of words. I understood what he was trying to do but were the consequences that bad to have him blame something on me.
   "I thought we were past that stage of you trying to run away." Adrian said looking kind of dissapointed, i looked down at my feet feeling overwhelmed. I never thought that our first actual conversation in a long time would end up being me getting in trouble. For something i honestly didn't do this time.
   "Believe who you want." I said, sounding kind of hurt. "After all you've known him longer than you have known me he's your best friend, you should know the way he is and the way each of us acts."
    I walked past him and i was making my way inside when i felt a firm grip on my wrist and pulled me back. I looked up to meet Adrians eyes. He pulled me towards him and looked back at Matthew.
    "Matt I've known you for a long time which means I know when you're lying." He said. "Now why don't you tell me the truth about what exactly is going on."
     I was absolutely in aww at this, i was ones again shocked with his actions. "Common man." Matthew said. "You can't possibly think I'm lying right?"
   "Matthew, like i said before we've known each other since we were children. Now how about you tell me the truth and stop lying." Adrian said with a bit more authority in his voice. I stayed quiet looking at my feet trying to avoid the awkwardness in the air. "Alright since you won't cooperate, I'll have Aless tell me. So Aless what's going on?"
   I looked at him not knowing what to say. "Nothing, everything is just a misunderstanding." I said slowly. Looking at him.
   "Did anyone ever tell you that you suck at lying." He said raising his eyebrow at me. "So now as none of you seem to want to cooperate, how about we ask Ashley. Do you think she'll have the answer."
    "Matthew and I made out!" We heard from behind us. "We've been dating for about 2 weeks now, we didn't  want to mention it to you because you disapprove about everything that goes on in these premises."
   Adrian turned and looked at his little sister with a blank face. "You guys think i didn't already know this?" He said. "Blake and I found out about the two of you exactly two weeks ago. You guys make it obvious as hell, making googly eyes over dinner you think i wouldn't notice."
    "Then why didn't you say anything." Ashley said looking shocked.
   "Because i trusted that you would eventually tell us, but i guess you don't trust me enough to tell me you're dating my best friend. I feel hurt littles sister." Adrian said, putting his hand over his heart acting dramatic.
   "And you're okay with this?" Matthew asked. As he made his way next to Ashley.
   "Why wouldn't i be." He said looking at both of them. I felt like a burden that didn't belong i just wanted the earth to swallow me. I zoned out and looked at the sunset unravelling in front of us, i could only think that these last months have been way to calm but i guess its safe to say its always calm before a storm.
   I zoned back in ones i heard my name beong called, i looked up and saw them all staring at me. "What happened?" I asked confused.
   "I asked if you wanted to come with us to get dinner?" Adrian said amused at my confused state. I thought about it for a second.
   "No sorry i wpuld have to say no, maybe another time." I said. "Plus i have work tomorrow so i should probably get some rest."
   "Whatever floats your boat." Ashley said still avoiding me. She grabbed Matthews hand and walked towards the cars. And that just left Adrian and me.
   "You were willing to take the blame?" He asked staring at me amused.
   "Umm.. yeah, some events that happened today have made me realize I've been selfish." I answered gathering the right words. "I just wanted to say thank you, although we may not see eye to eye. You've done a lot for me."
    He looked at me blankly as if at loss of words. "Well, you're welcome. I hope you start realizing that this is your life now, and there's nothing you can really do to change it." Thats the last thing he said before doing what he does best, walking away. He headed to the car and i headed inside to my room.
    Today has been a day full of unexpected events and even more unexpected is that i forgot i not only have work tomorrow but my very first mission.. Tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day....



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