Chapter 27- Falling For The Gangleaders Son

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3rd person

Everything seemed to be going just fine, Blakes plan was coming together. Adrian and Alessandra finally admitted their feelings for one another but there is always going to be something, even the smallest decision made could turn into the worst decision.
Virginia and Katrina have not lost hope one bit, they have grown close together and believe that any day they'll be saved. The truth is they will, but there are those that will be against this and friendships could be at stake. Alessandra is in for a surprise, and everyone knows this.

Alessandra's P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining bright through my window, i was in a really good mood to say the least. I got out of bed to get in a quick shower and get ready for work, Ashley and i have a shift from 10 am to 3pm which is only half day because today is Wednesday and we usually have meetings today to catch up on new situations. I picked out a simple all black outfit and put my hair up in a messy bun.
"Yo Aless." I heard Ashley say from the other side of my bedroom door. "Hurry it up! I want details before work.
I immediately knew what she meant, she most definitely wanted to know what went down after the little stunt she played on me yesterday. "I'm coming."
I made my way out of my room to come face to face with Adrian. That was quick, one second Ashley was at the door and the next Adrian appeared. "Good morning little one." Adrian said smiling, i rolled my eyes at the nickname/petname he gave me. "I'll be your guard at your job today."
My eye's widened, job was the only way i could be away from him, i mean now that there was something between us i don't really mind but at work i would much rather have someone else looking after me. Plus if he's my guard, how the hell am i gonna plan how to get Virginia back. "Good morning." I said. "There's no need for that you know, i mean Matthew always takes pretty good care of Ashley and I."
"Ouch, sounds like you don't want me there." He said, faking to be hurt. "But to bad it's not up for debate."
I rolled my eyes and made my way past him to meet with Ashley down stairs. Now that i thought about it, i still need to find a lead on my siblings. At least i hoped they were still okay, i haven't recieved anymore creepy messages or letters ever since Adrian basically kidnapped me. I really am dissapointeed in myself because i have done nothing at all to try and find them. All of this was bringing back memories, i remember the triple date with Ashley and Derek, Virginia and Blake and of course Grayson and I.. That night to say the least was horrible, they killed Toby that night and yet i have no idea if my sister was ever found. I was nothing but a mess, i decided to run away from my problems when in reality i should have stayed in Miami and done something to find the killer.
"Lets go." Ashley said snapping me out of my thoughts, i followed her out to the car only to see Adrian already in the drivers seat with Matthew in the passenger seat. Ashley and i got in the back seats and so on we went to work, i worked at a small icecream shop 2 minutes away from the flower shop Ashley worked at.
"We'll be around the area." Adrian said. "If you need anything don't hesitate to give us a call."
With that being said we all split ways and i made my way to work, i walked into the small shop and made my way to the back to throw on my uniform. I came out and there was a tall man standing by the checkout area facing the wall.
"Excuse me, may i help you." I asked, when the man turned around i almost burst into tears, it was my brother Emmett and i was shocked and at loss of words. "You're okay."
"I'm okay little sis." He said giving me a small smile. "Adrian contacted me a while back letying me know you were safe, it was the best news i could have gotten."
"How is everyone?" I asked. "Did you guys ever find Tiffany? Is everyone okay?"
I asked so many questions at ones. "Unfortunately we never did find Tiffany, and we had Toby's funeral a week after we found him dead in our basement. I never knew there were people so cruel, they had the audacity to kill our brother with no mercy and then somehow got in our home and put him in our basement to find."
I let out tears, remembering the video they sent me.
I clicked on the message and noticed it was a video, i was getting a bad feeling about this but I clicked on the video anyways..
The video started playing and it seemed to be filmed in a warehouse all of a sudden Toby came into view he was sitting down in a chair and he was tied down, my heart started raising and then a man wearing a black ski mask appeared and started walking towards him amd he started struggling and shaking his head, the guy threw a punch at Tobys face which caused me to gasp he punched him over and over until he had stopped struggling to get out, the guy smirked towards the camera and took out a knife from his back pocket and walked back over to Toby, the video seemed to be on mute.. The guy turned back to look at the camera before stabbing the knife into Tobys stomach a painful scream came from the video causing me to scream along with him.. "NOOO!!" I yelled over and over as tears ran down my cheeks.
(End of flashback)

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