Chapter 6- Falling for the gangleaders son

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I can't believe what happened yesterday but this morning when I woke up I went to the kitchen and found a note that said.
We know that you guys are mad at us and we understand that's why we decided to leave for a while you guys can keep the house instead of moving out you guys might never forgive us but if you ever do we'lol be waiting with our arms open we'll miss all of you, Emmet,Edward,Toby, Conner and James take care of your sisters keep them safe just don't forget we love you guys we always will..
                          ~with love mom and dad
       When Emmet came down he he looked upset and really tired but when he saw the note his face changed features with that he walked away not saying a word,I'm really depressed right now I'm going to miss Sarah she was my best friend here and I don't know what I'll do without her, her mom called this morning saying her funeral will be tomorrow at 1 pm I want to go but my brothers say it's best if I stay home and rest I'm going back to school on Monday today it's Friday I need to get things of my mind... "Emmet I'm going for a walk!" I yelled.
      "Jess you aren't getting out of this house without caring these two things in your purse." He said handing me some pepper spray and a gun I just looked at him not able to say anything, I took both the gun and the pepper spray and but them in my bag. Once I walked outside I started walking I don't even know where going but I need time clear my head you might be thinking what the hell you almost got killed yesterday but I mean if I don't get out and move I'll probably end up even more paranoid than how much Iam already... So I just decided to walk through the neighborhood as I walked I  started to feel my eyes water I just can't believe that my parents would put us in danger and that those people killed one of my friends and now they want to kill me.. I decide to just sit in a curb thinking about my life, when I heard foot steps walking towards me. I looked up and saw Grayson standing in front of me I stood up imidiatly I already knew that I looked like a mess he just looked at me in silence until o broke it. "What are you doing here?" I asked barley above a whisper.
"I was just walking and I saw you sitting here in the curb." He explaind simply he reached out and patted a tear away with his thumb as soon as he did that I pulled away remembering what happened yesterday and him knowing the guy that attacked after I did that he looked kind of hurt. "Why did you do that?"
"I did it because I barley know you and yesterday you seemed to know the guy after me pretty well that's why I did it." I said looking up to meet his eyes because I'm 5 feet 2 inches and he's around 6 feet None of us said anything for about two minutes until he spoke.
"Look I know it looked bad but I promise it had nothing to do with me ok I didn't help with anything I just happen to know the guy no need to jump to conclusion ok just relax you look a bit stressed." He said looking at my puffy red eyes and at my messy hair.
"Look I don't care I just can't trust you or anyone for that matter I just want to be left alone to think about my horrible life ok." I said starting to get annoyed by then I remembered that the guy mentioned that it was Graysons dads orders to kill me.. "Gray what did the guy mean when he said it was your dad who wants me dead?" I asked quietly looking up at him, he started to get a bit nervouse and looked kind of scared.....

Graysons P.O.V~

"Look I don't care I just can't trust you or anyone for that matters just want to be left alone to think about my horrible life ok." She said sounding annoyed I had to look down to meet her gaze, she's so short and cute oh my god what am I thinking. She looked at for about a minute or so then she asked the question I was trying to avoid all along. "Gray what did the guy mean when he said that it was your dad wants me dead?" As soon as she asked that question I started to panic I'm sure she could see it in my face.
     "Umm I think you shouldn't know I don't even know I can't explain it right now not yet." I said stuttering she looked like she was about to snap and I was correct..
      "How dare you!!! I have the right to know why he's trying to kill me!!" She said yelling at me she was about to slap me but I held her hand.
      "Jess relax ok I'll tell you but you have to promise not to freak out." I said looking into her eyes.

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