Chapter 13- Falling for the gangleaders son

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  (Recap):  "So nice to see you at again Jess." A deep voice said from behind me, no it can't be him no why is he here i thought i would never see him again and to confirm my thoughts i turned and looked at him and surely it was him.....
     "Dylan?" I asked looking at him with surprise on my face.
   "The one and only." He said smirking I couldn't help but look at him he's changed so much since the last time I saw him. "So are you going to hug me or?"
As soon as as he said that i stood up and hugged him really tight i can't believe it's actually him it's been around 2 years since i last saw him. We pulled apart after hearing a throat being cleared, it happed to be Virginia clearing it.
"You guy's know eachother?" She asked raising her eyebrow, i looked at her confused. "Oh yeah sorry I didn't know you guys knew each other and well he's my cousin so its kind of wierd right now."
I looked at her and said. "Yeah i know him he was my next door neighbor before he moved away to wherever he went."
"Well Jess you never really talked about your feelings so... " Dylan said. "Well it was nice seeing you Jess hopefully we can catch up later, and you Virginia aren't you supposed to be at school?"
"Umm actually no i start school tomorrow i just went to pick up my schedule today." She said I just stared at her surprised that she was lying about not having to go to school today.
"Ok thats wierd, well see you guys around i guess," he said walking ou the door I just stared at him while he left I couldn't believe it was him it has been so long I turned and looked at Virginia..
"So Virginia we should finish the ice cream and then I'll drive you to wherever you live because i have some things to do right after we're done." I said looking dead serious at her i have no idea why i feel like i could trust her and if I do end up trusting her I don't want to put her in danger and into the mess I'm in right now.
"But why i was hoping we could go to the park or something to hang out for a while longer." She said looking upset.
"I'm sorry but i really have to go to a meeting at the school with my parents after this." I said not sounding convincing at all.
"Really well i can come with you and then go to your house afterwards." She said, damn this girl is stubborn I'm not even this stubborn myself.
"Ok but the plans at school are cancelled so we're just going to my house after this alright." I said, she just nodded and we continued to finish our ice cream which did I forget to mention is delicious. All of a sudden the bell at the door rang I didn't pay much attention to it until Virginia asked."Who are those guys?" I turned back to look who it was and to my surprise it was Grayson with another guy that I didn't recognize because he was wearing a black hoody that was covering his whole face..
"Umm well the guy with the muscle tee is Grayson and I've never seen the other guy before." I said looking back at her.
"Oh they're pretty cute if i say so myself even though i can't really see the other one i have a feeling that he's pretty attractive, but that Grayson guy is Hot." She said staring at them, oh my gosh why am i so mad that she called Grayson hot we're not even a thing and i hate his guts with a passion but I still couldn't help but feel a bit jealous about her saying that about him.
"Yeah I guess." I said not showing any emotion. "So are you done with your ice cream so that we can leave to my house?"
"Yes I'm done, we can leave if you want." She said standing up as soon as she stood up I followed her actions and I headed towards the door not wanting to get noticed by Grayson once i was outside i had to wait for Virginia to come out because she was taking her sweet time.
As soon as she was outside we headed to my house and as we got there Virginia started asking a lot of questions that I wasn't in the mood for.. "Do you live alone? Are your parents gonna be there? Do you have any siblings?." She kept asking all these questions while we were walking up to the front door I didn't get a chance to answer any of her questions because the next thing i know i hear her let out a deafening scream and she was just staring inside the front door where there was the living room right away when I looked inside the whole front of the house was trashed and in the middle of it all stood a guy holding a gun straight at us turns out for once I didn't know who this guy was and i was absolutely terrified not only for me but also because i was putting another person in danger the, next things happened so quickly that it didn't give me any time to process what i was doing........
I'm so sorry that I didn't update for a while because i was busy organizing a big event...
Also you guys might have noticed that I changed Matthews character to Grayson instead...... I'm really sorry for any inconveniences.

Falling For The Gang Leaders Son (Book 1 of the gang leader series)Where stories live. Discover now