Chapter 11 : Unexpected Guest

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With his arms locked across his chest, Tora shook his head slowly in disappointment.

"You told her about us?!"

"I told her about me." Reita said silently.

"Shit, Reita! That's also about us! Revealing us!" His eyes were suddenly unfocused.

The blond didn't answer. He didn't give her much information about them but enough to give her a headache. He left her after answering some questions that were still lingering. He knew it wouldn't be the last time that she'll ask. He told him self that he should ready for another set of her questions soon.

"You're in trouble. Holy shitty big trouble." The brunette sighed, taking the seat beside him.

"I know."

Tora stared at the white wall in front of them. "Shhhhhhhhit."

"You need a hell of a hold of your self!" The brunette almost shouted, shifting his look to the exhausted blond Devil.

Reita exhaled. Fully aware of the mess he got his self and her into.

"They said Mr. Takumi isn't around!!" One girl shouted when she entered her class room. The students shouted with joy, the room suddenly became noisy. Some guys threw their books up, not minding to get it back when it landed on the floor.

"Let's go shopping!" Aki squeal when she turned her chair to face Aika and Oru.

Oru shook her head, looking down her notebook. "I have to study for the upcoming quiz bee."

"Jeez Oru, will you stop studying for a few minutes?" Eri tucked her book inside her bag.

Aika smiled and looked at her seat mate. "I'm sure you'll ace the quiz without studying."

Oru sighed, a ghost of smile lingered on her lips. "Don't try to flatter me. I'm not that smart."

Their noise halted when their door opened and the popular blond sauntered to his seat without taking a glance to his mission, his fan girls automatically run to where he was and started purring. The noise came back after a few seconds.

Aika felt suddenly agitated. She didn't know how he would act this time after he told her about him, again. But yesterday seemed different; he was somewhat willing to talk to her about him.

Though the way he seemed to ignore her felt like just before, his denial. She sighed.

No one in that four cornered room knew that there was a Devil inside except her, and she didn't know how to feel about it.

"No one will come with me to the mall?" Aika's thought was disturbed by pouting Aki.

"I'll go! I'll go!" Kimuu grinned raising her hands up.

Eri entwined her fingers together as her elbow rested on her table. "I'm in. I have to buy a tab book."

Aika looked at Oru, waiting. The curly brunette exhaled audibly, feeling the stares her friend was giving. "Okay! Okay! I'll go."

Kimuu giggled right away while Aki almost jumped to hug her.

"What about you Aika?" Eri asked.

She answered a smile. "Of course I'll come."

Their bell rang for lunch break and every class room door opened with students running and playing around. The girls were about to go out when the blond called Aika, the five turned to look. Reita stopped in front of his mission his eyes were not giving any hint of any emotion.

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