E P I L O G U E : Start of the End (1)

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

Pain... Pain... Pain everywhere.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

I thought death was a peaceful place. A dead end. A black hole. But why was I experiencing this horrible feeling? One would not feel anything once they were dead right? Well, I guess that's false.

I could feel wave after wave of insane pain everywhere in me and I didn't know anymore what was left after death.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

"Aika? Please wake up now... Please..."

Beep... Beep... Beep...

The familiar voice of a woman was whimpering near me. I hadn't heard her cry again ever since the day I left home. Mom.

She kept on sobbing, pleading me to open my eyes to look at her and then I could feel a soft hand gripping my left hand tighter.

What was happening? Where was I? The last memory I had was something I didn't want to remember. The thought of him hit me like a tidal wave, drowning me in the most excruciating pain I'd ever felt.

I could feel that something was pulling me back to reality, pulling me back to my wicked life.

Beep...Beep..Beep.Beep.Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

As pain of my body collided with the pain of the thought of my last moment with him, I screamed. Loud as my lungs could; longer as my throat started to feel the ache. There was warm liquid streaming down my face but I could still not open my eyes.

No I couldn't face reality. I couldn't face my future. I couldn't live the present, knowing he wouldn't be there. All I wanted was the past. My past where he existed, where he was with me.

What was my future? What was I even living for? I already forgot and I wasn't really sure if I wanted to remember.

There was a prick on my skin forcing me to scream louder, the long thin pointed cold thing was adding pain in me. What were they doing?

Stop... Go away... Leave me alone... Leave... Leave...

My eyes snapped open when I jolted to sit up. I was catching my breath; my face was warmed by the tears that kept on falling down from my eyes.

He was with me. He was wearing my favorite crooked smile of his. I was walking with him on this empty road when he suddenly disappeared. And I screamed for him, I screamed for him to come back to me. But he wouldn't, I know he wouldn't.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

I wiped my tears with the back of my right hand before I look around, I was in a white walled room, there was a cream curtain hanging, half covering the rectangular window. White roses were in a vase on a table beside my bed. A television plastered on the wall in front of me. There were different kinds of machines beside the right side of my railed bed.

I looked down. I was in a white hospital gown. White cotton blanket was covering half of my body. There was a clip clammed on my left pointing finger. Both of my hands were covered with bandages from my palm up to my wrists. An IV was struck inside me and I could feel wires around my face as an inhaler was stuck on my nose.

The wooden door on my right clicked open and a woman in her late forties walked to me with a clipboard on her right hand. "Glad you're awake, Aika." She was smiling at me.

I tore my attention back down my right hand as she started clicking something on the machines beside my bed. The blonde woman told me she was Dr. Inoue and that my mom was just down the hospital to grab some food for herself. She asked me to follow the ball pen she was holding with my eyes which was ridiculous but I reluctantly did before she wrote something on the paper on her clip board.

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