Chapter 21 : Lost Sanity

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"But wasn't that Hydrogen?" Eri asked Oru sounded more nervous, completely forgetting about her food.

Oru nodded and smile. "Yes."

The two continued throwing questions and answers on their chemistry test earlier while the other three were busy munching.

"The popular guy won't sit with us today?" Aki tilted her head to gaze at Reita who was seating tables away from them.

Aika shook her head then took a bite on her apple pie. She had no choice but to agree to what the Devil decided. He said it would be easier if they keep their relationship a secret for her benefit. It would save her from dangerous things, like some "angry ogling-girls", his words.

She couldn't stop herself but to laugh over it again, making her looked crazy at their table.

"What's with you?" Eri asked, shooting her with her probe look.

"Nothing." Aika bit her lip to refrain herself from laughing again.

"Hey girls!" Kazuki greeted then sat down the vacant seat beside Aika. The girls greeted him back with a smile.

"How's your leg?" Aika inspected his leg that was still covered with bandages.

"They'll get me out of this damn cast soon."

"That's good! You'll be playing the championship then?" Oru asked.

A grin stretched on Kazuki's lip. "Of course I am! And you guys will be watching while we get the trophy."

The girls answered her some laugh and groans.

"Hey, my birthday party will be on Sunday. I'm inviting you all there."

"We'll be there! We'll be there!" Kimuu bounced on her seat, clapping her hands.

"No gift, No entry." He warned with a straight face but failed miserably and laughed.

"You sound like a child." Eri said with a disgust tone but her smile was still there.

"A very loving child." Kazuki put both of his hands on his chest near his heart when he answered Eri, earning a loud laugh from the girls.

"Alright!" He held both of his hands up, like he was surrendering. "I don't want to be responsible for your tummy aches."

Kazuki was about to stand up but stop and smile warmly at Aika. "You'll be there right?"

"Sunday." She confirmed, smiling back.

"Okay! My business here is done. I'll see you guys around!" He winked then walked to a table where his team mates were, throwing foods at each other.

"Why did the player came up your table?" Reita asked when they were alone, walking in a wide empty street.

Aika kept her head up, gazing at the glittery dark sky up above. "Kazuki invited us to his birthday party, this Sunday."

There was a loud crush from a distant behind them, she was about to turn to take a look but Reita suddenly held her left hand and pulled her ahead, making her walk faster.

"Keep on walking." He said, only for her to hear. His voice was firm with a little hint of anger.

She let him lead the way and she could feel the sudden change of atmosphere, they were in trouble. Her heart tripled its beat, her breathing coming fast and short.

They kept on half walking half jogging until Reita pulled her into a dark narrowed street intersecting a wide deserted one. He pushed her on the wall and looked straight at her eyes.

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