Chapter 17 : Another Complication

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The five girl's on one of the table in the cafeteria stopped from what they were doing when the blond popular guy stood behind Kimuu and stared at Aika.

"I need to talk to Miss Aizawa."

Aki furrowed her brows and was suddenly irritated. "No, if you want to talk, talk here."

Aika bowed her head down and tried very hard to keep her lips from curling up into a smile. Reita smirked and grabbed the chair from the table beside them without asking permission from the person who was on the table. He straddled the chair and stared back at the brunette girl across him.

"So, Aizawa." He grinned.

She faced him with a straight face but as soon as she saw that he was smiling stupidly it infected her and she flushed, smiling back at him. "Yes, Suzuki?"

The four girls were watching them in amazement, like it was the first time they saw two people across from each other talking and becoming oblivious of the people around them.

"I miss the panda." The blond said his smile reaching his eyes.

She took a bite of her potato chips and leaned back her seat. "The unicorn was more interesting."

Reita chuckled and all attention of the people on their table also some other tables from the cafeteria was turned towards him. The popular stern blond attractive guy chuckled for the very first time in the entire semester. And swoon, all the girls.

Aika and Reita eventually realized what happened when the cafeteria suddenly became quiet for a few seconds. The students just got back from their senses when the cafeteria's room opened and a group of guys were laughing loudly. He fell silent after that and she was the one to laugh this time.

"What's so amusing, Aizawa?" He lifted a brow but his lips were hinting a smile.

"You are."


"Ehem..." Aki pushed her empty can of her soda forward, trying to remind the two that they were not alone.

Aika pursed her lips and looked down. Kimuu frowned at Reita and scoot forward as she rested her chin on her interlocked fingers while her elbows rested on the table. "The popular guy is sitting with us huh..."

Reita finally tore his stare away from Aika and gaze at Kimuu; he smiled at the corner of his lips. "I can always take the other table if you don't like me."

Aika scowled at him hurriedly and locked both of her hands across her chest. "You're really going to do that?"

He smirked at her. "Based on the looks of your friends, I'm not welcome here."

She looked around the table. Kimuu was pouting, Eri has one of her brow up, Oru was grimacing and Aki was glaring at Reita. She sighed and nodded.

"Okay, go ogle with your girls." She said shooing him away.

"Actually it's fine with me." Oru said then extend her hand to Reita. "I'm Oru, in case you don't remember." She smiled warmly at him.

Reita smiled back at her and shook her hand once. "Of course, Oru. How could I forget? You're the smartass."

Aika glared at him and threw a chip to his direction; he caught it effortlessly and ate it.

"I'm Kimuu, Nice to meet you!" Kimuu extended her hand to the guy beside her and smile brightly.

The introduction continued until it was only Aki left, Aki exhaled a puff of sigh before she said her name lazily and not lending her hand to Reita.

Reita nodded once and smirk with his I-got-a-really-private-joke smile.

"I heard Mr. Tanomi is going to surprise us with a surprise quiz today." Kimuu said right before she chewed on her food.

Eri gave her a bored look. "Which isn't a surprise anymore. Where'd you heard that?"

Before Kimuu could answer Reita stood up hurriedly with his composed face like he was thinking about something deeply. "I'm sorry, I have to go." He said then walked hurriedly out of the cafeteria.

That left Aika feeling nervous. Obviously, by how Reita acted, something was wrong. She wanted to go after him but she didn't want to leave her friends too. She didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do. What if he would go away again? What if he won't come back? She shook the idea away quickly out of her mind. She fought hard not to stand up and run after him.

"Well, that's weird..." Aki murmured, picking on her food.

Reita didn't come back to class after lunch, only making Aika more anxious. She couldn't wait to get out of this room and find him. She was near from running out when the bell finally rang. She swiftly grabbed her bag and said goodbye, bolting out of the room as fast as she could. When she reached the school's gate she stopped from her track when she saw him leaning against it, his back at her.

She exhaled loudly and tried to settle her breathing down, relieved to see him there. When she reached him, she saw his eyes closed and he looked like he was tired from something.

"You okay?"

The blond snapped his eyes opened and tilted his head to look at her. "Yeah. Let's go." He leaned away and started to walk. Aika walked with him in silence.

That was the very first time they walk back home without anyone saying anything. It wasn't awkward, it was just pure silence of her being worried with him, while he stare ahead, spacing out.

She dropped her bag on one of the couch on the living room as he took a seat from one wooden chair at the dining table, still quiet while he stared down the floor.

"Reita, what's wrong? You're scaring me."

He hurriedly snapped his head up to look at her; the pain and shock were very visible in his face as he asked her. "I scare you?"

She sighed loudly and sauntered to where he was; stopping in front of him, putting both of her hands on his shoulder and stared down his eyes. "Not like the way you're thinking. I'm afraid of... you might just disappear and leave me, and never come back."

Reita blinked, surprised with what she said but he breathed out in relief and leaned his head on her stomach as he bowed his head down. "That won't happen."

Aika was the one who was surprised this time of how he acted. Never was a guy this close to her, this intimate to her, and she felt this all right. She never wanted to break away. Looking down at him right now, she knew he was struggling on something, making the Devil look vulnerable. She locked her arms around his neck and let themselves in that position. She felt calm too herself when Reita wrapped his arms around her hips. She could stay like this forever.

Reita puffed out an exhale and reached to his pocket with his one hand, his other hand was still around her, gripping her securely. He pulled out a little rectangular white paper and held it up, Aika hesitated to get it and when she opened the folded paper, her brows knitted together.

Mio Asage

2-4-36 Jingumae, Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

Before she could ask what was that he already answered. "He gave me another mission."

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