Chapter 12 : Angelic Proof

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"The heck, Reita!" Tora shouted when Reita dragged the little ceramic sculptures on the table with him as he passed. They instantly broke into little pieces when they fell down the floor.

"FUCK!" the brunette's eyes almost plucked out of their sockets.

Reita groaned as he leaned on the wall, his eyes were shut down.

"Do you know how much these things cost now in this millennium?!" Tora once again screamed. The blond answered a moan at his throat.

The taller one grabbed a hold of Reita's arm when he was about to lean forward down the ground. "What the hell happened to you?" He asked in irritation.

"" Reita mumbled on the brunette's face before his head snapped bowed down.

Tora's brows stitched into a straight line. "You're drunk."

He helped the blond lye down the nearest couch and cursed when Reita made a sound from his stomach and stopped at his throat; he knew he wanted to vomit.

Reita turned to his side and slowly flicker his eyes open. It was the first time he experienced something like this and he swore to himself he won't do this again. He could feel his stomach empty yet it felt strange that something wanted to come out through his throat. And his eye sight became somewhat distorted; multiplying things into two.

"You know Reita that these were precious to me! And you know that you have to make this up to me! Where the hell am I going to find something like these things again?!" Tora shook his head before crouching down in front of the remaining pieces of his collections.

"Buy..." Reita gurgled, his eyes closing down again.

The brunette started to gather each pieces in one spot, carefully moving the pointy pieces together. "These things came from 1580 to 1800! Yes! I can find something like this in this century." He said sarcastically.

Tora swiped the remaining pieces of the antiques into a plastic bag. "Seriously, teenagers these days." He murmured and stood up.

"If you were human and I was your father and you come home this late, drunk. I'd gladly throw you out of the house in an instant! And DON'T EVER COME BACK!" He eyed the drunk Devil before slamming the door close behind him.

Reita snorted with his closed eyes, a smile was playing on his lips. "Old man gone mad."

There was a loud cheer from the crowd when one member from the Blue Team took the long three point shot perfectly. Another points added to them. The basketball game became intense when the clock indicated that there was only one minute left. 3-A was losing two points by the 3-C.

The guy in white blond with 05 Mizushima printed behind his blue and white jersey dribbled the ball on his hand as he look around the court and without any word he run taking the ball with him, ducking out flawlessly to the guy guarding him. He stopped and held the ball up with his two hands and jumped while his eyes were transfixed at the ring at the left. A shadow suddenly casted before him and forcefully pushed the ball out of his hands.

The ball bounced back and Kazuki immediately swung, retrieving the ball for the Red team. Vigorously, he swept his way to two guards blocking his way to their ring and when he was about to set on a lay-up he was tackled down the ground forcefully by a guy with red hair, his jersey were proud blue.

The crowd stood up in fright when Kazuki groaned loudly holding his right knee up, his eyes shut down from the pain.

"Kazuki!" The guy who took him down kneeled beside him, watching him in horror.

Three older men ran towards their direction squeezing into the players. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

After a few minutes a stretcher was brought in the court and Kazuki was gently transferred into it and was delivered frantically into the clinic. Students were still watching, gaping and gasping as they wait for their equilibrium to settle from the scene.

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