Chapter 57: Felix Adams of the Sisari

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June 8th, 3027

Link and Matt were having a good conversation until they were interrupted by the presence of Professor Felix Adams from Luxerion. He came to them to speak to Matt but Link won't leave his side, so now he talk with the both of them. "I am the last of my race, which went extinct millions of years ago." Felix stated to them. Matt and Link were shocked from this news and they both said, "What?" Felix then continued on his explanation, "Well to be more specific I am a human being but my race was not technically apart of humanity. I am apart of the lost civilization known as Ezu Sisaratus Zircylus. In other terms we were also called the Sisari." Felix added. "Does anyone else know of this?" Link asked him. "Well I believe that Headmaster Yoko has his suspicions but I make sure to hide my culture away from anybody. First off nobody even has knowledge of the Sisari cause the rest of my race was destroyed during the Time War." Felix replied. "Time War? A war about Time?" Matt asked in confusion. "Well to be more specific it was a war throughout Time itself. Like in the past, present and future. My homeworld, known as Zeal, was in this conflict. It was fought between the League of Angels and the Druvian Empire. Now have any of you two heard of the Druvian Empire?" Felix asked the two. They both shook there heads no, but before Felix could continue Matt spoke. "How was the League involved if your world was extinct millions of years ago?" He then asked. "I did tell you that the war was throughout Time. The League had went throughout Time to fight off against the mighty Druvian Empire, who is lead by Cax Druvian. He is more of a higher tyrant than our friend Darkus Azu Tex, who is really the king of nothing. Cax led his troops all throughout Time and this declared war upon the League of Angels. Now on my homeworld of Zeal, the fight was brought there due to its rich supply of ore called Symbium. It was used as a sort of catalyst in a chain of chemical reactions which produced a living metal. Like it could attach to your body like a boa constrictor, squeezing your body to remove all organic nerves and such." Felix had explained. Link rose his hand, "Um. Why would there be a cannibalistic metal on your planet and who would want that? Like I know for war there is way of strategy but a metal that can move on its own free will?" He asked. "The ore itself is dormant, so it will not affect anyone nor it won't affect its residents. But with the reaction completed, it becomes a highly corrosive metal that does have its own free will. Yet, this only affects those that are deem it worthy. When it kills the living being, the metal goes into its bloodstream and replaces the blood with Mercury, an liquid metallic silver if you will. Then the Symbium on the outside replaces the skin with hardened metal, which also becomes its armor. Thus transforming the victim into a man of metal and no emotions whatsoever." Felix added on. "Now you mentioned to why they were on your planet, but what happened to the rest of your people?" Matt then brought up. "That's if you feel comfortable in telling us that is." Link said. Felix swirled around his tea and continued to drink it, then placed it back on the table. "It was the first civilization lost in the Time War, and with Cax's armada leading the invasion it was a hard line of attack. They took down our supply lines first then they took down the AA-Guns. Our fighter squadrons couldn't last against the large cruisers, all were blown out of the sky. As the Patriarch of my people at the time, it was my sworn duty to leave my people behind no matter how much the pain we all suffered had been. So I took the escape pod within my chamber and escaped the planet's surface, going at high speeds past the Druvian cruisers and successfully did a hyperjump from the battle. While in that escape pod I still could monitor the battle on the surface, but what I saw was the complete extermination of my people. (A tear starts to come down) That bastard killed my entire race, and mined out all of the Symbium. The League at the time could not save us, but with there strength now it is possible to fight against the Druvians. Yet I believe to have found a way on how to bring back my species, and to retake my homeworld." Felix then stated. "You have? What?" Matt asked him curiously, then Felix looked at him. "That answer I will leave up to you, Commander Matthew Strife. But first I have but one question that I need you to answer. If you were to resurrect my species, what would you do with them?" Felix said. Matt then pondered the thought in his head, but Link spoke. "Well we would let them rebuild, with our help and make friends with them." He said. "I wasn't talking to you Link." Felix snapped at him. Then Matt made up his mind, "I will do what Link said. To help your species get back to its original potential and status with all my capable resources if possible." He answered to Felix. "Alright then. (Stands up from his chair) I believe that we are now partners Commander." Felix said as he shook Matt's hand. "I would be glad in working with you." Matt said. Felix then shook Link's hand, "I shall keep this secret with me at all times. You have my word." Link stated. "I shall keep you to that word then hero. Anyways I must be off, my fellow comrades still need me at the blockade." Felix said as he walked out the door with Matt and Link waving at him. "That sure was a lot to take in eh Matt?" Link asked him. "Yes it is indeed. (Looks at watch) Wow its nearly 8:30! We should start to wake everyone now." Matt stated. "Alrighty." Matt and Link then left the kitchen to wake everyone up, with this knowledge of Felix's past, it will probably bring light onto this Cax Druvian. Stay tuned

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