Chapter 7

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I stood outside waiting for Koda I didn't see her inside so I'm guessing she's running a tad late. My phone buzzed , on the screen I read 'turn around' I turned on my heel looking around for Koda I didn't see her anywhere. I went to turn around but someone had clasped a cloth over my mouth I tried screaming and thought about squirming but before I could re act, everything went black.


As my senses flooded back I had a massive headache, my vision was blurry, and I was laying in a very uncomfortable position. Where am I? I tried to gain my vision to see clearly it was dark. I looked around my surroundings it wasn't that big, actually it was really small I had barely any room to move I looked around one more time and found a small light coming from a corner, it was red I focused on it, hoping it helped my vision and it did. I looked around one more time again and figured out that I was in someone's trunk. I looked down at my self to see my hands tied behind my back and on my face I could feel tape. What the hell is going on right now? and how the did I end up here? I rolled over on my back slowly and felt my phone was still there, but it was helpless in this situation considering the fact that my hands are behind my back. I felt the tears well up in my eyes, My body started to shake
I was petrified. Who knows if I'll be able to see my sisters again or my dad again. Who knows this might just be my last day to live. I closed my eyes and started crying.

It felt like I had been crying for hours before I gathered myself together. I think the sudden stop that made my side hit the wall of the trunk stopped my crying. I listened and heard the door slam from the drivers side, I listened to the foot steps as they walked on what sounded like gravel. I waited, silence. Then the trunk door was open the sudden brighteness temporarily blinded me I wasn't able to see who took me out of the trunk, I had a feeling they didn't want me to.
This person smelled of Weed and alcohol. Their hand clasped over my eyes and the other held my hands the person leaned forward to my ear, I felt the hairs of a goatee brush against my neck. The person whispered in my ear to walk forward so I did. We walked for about five minutes till I heard the jiggle of keys, then the opening of a door. We walked for a few more minutes before he pushed me down onto a couch.. Their hand was removed from my eyes and I focused again. The person was behind me then he started to speak.

"I figured you'd be the easiest to reel in." He said deeply.

"And I was correct, good thing you sisters don't stay together all the time." I could practically feel the smirk on his face, I was tempted to turn around but I was afraid, I recognized the voice of this man I just didn't want to be correct.

"Mmm how precious you are." He said then grabbed a fist full of my hair straining my neck to the side.

"If only I could have a bite." He whispered, letting go of my hair I heard his foot steps fade to the side of the couch, he was walking to the front of me. I looked up slowly my face immediately scrunching up in disgust.

"What the hell do you want with me mike!" I yelled. He smiled.

"Honey, we just want you guys to come back to us." He said

"Fuck you." I said then spit towards his feet, his smile only grew bigger. I swear I heard a low growl come from the back of his throat. Then the unexpected happened he came towards me his hand clasped right around my neck.

"Listen here you little bitch I'am so sick and-" he stopped talking as if the wind got knocked out of him. He looked at me with fright? I couldn't quite tell, till I figured out that His eyes held panic. His grip on my neck loosened and I felt spit fling onto my right cheek or was it blood? I was confused when his body fell on top of mine until I saw the knife sticking out of the middle of his back and Xavier was standing behind him, What the hell?

I looked at him panicked but relieved, I stood up and turned my back towards him signaling for him to cut the rope that was wrapped around my wrist. I felt the tightness ease and my wrist were released, I quickly turned facing Xavier a smile on my face my eyes teared up a little bit I lost it. I wrapped my arms around him and the tears just flowed. His arms wrapped around me holding me securely.
He took a step back and said my name quietly. I nodded my head waiting for him to speak, but he just kept repeating my name and every time he repeated my name his voice got louder. I looked at him with confusion he shook my entire body hard..
That's when I woke up.
"Jay!" I rolled over on my side, opening my eyes. I looked at Koda then groaned and rolled back over, my back to her.
Shit it was a dream. I don't even remember falling asleep on the couch.

"You okay? You look a little flustered." She said giving me a cup of water.

"Yea, I'm fine just had a bad dream that's all." I said chugging the water down, I set the cup down on the coffee table then got up stretching to wake my self up a little more.

"How long have I been asleep for?" I asked

"I think you fell asleep just a few minutes after we left, I came back in to grab something and you were passed out." She said chuckling.

"That's weird, I never take naps in the middle of the day.. I really need to catch up on some sleep." I said

"What's got you staying up at night?" She asked, I looked at her face and I could see concern in her eyes. She actually cares to know my problems right now? That's even weirder than the dream was.

"It's cool, I don't want to talk about it." I said, Koda opened her mouth to speak but the house phone went off she quickly walked to it answering it.

"Hello? Yea mhm, it's 671-283-4458, yup your welcome K bye." Koda hung up the phone, wait who the hell did she just give my number to?!
My phones ringtone went off in my back pocket, Koda looked at me knowingly with a smile on her face I looked back at her wierdly and hesitated answering my phone. Before the last ring went off I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey, it's Xavier."

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