Chapter 12

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When we had arrived home last night my dad was a bit confused we explained everything to him he had the biggest smile wash over his face. I hadn't seen him smile in a long time, The three of us gave him a big group hug making a promise to each other we would never step foot in that house ever again.

I sighed staring at the ceiling in my bed room. Even though I'm thinking about yesterday I'm still thinking about Xavier I'm really starting to miss him. I miss his blue grey eyes, his smirk, his lips. He was right about not seeing him for awhile it's been about two to three weeks. If you ask me, that's a long time if you haven't seen someone you really wanna see.
The thing with thoughts is if you think of one thing you're most likely to think about others for instance his lips brought me back to our kiss at Tristan's party. Then that kiss brought me back to that dream. I can remember brief moments after he said he'd love every inch of me, they're coming back to me. He brought me to my bed, laid me down, and got on top of me. Placed his hands on my hips pulling away from me, we stared at each other, him with this big grin on his face like there was no other place he'd rather be then right there with me.

I sighed rolling onto my side staring through my door frame, hmm kinda odd there was a dim glow coming from the right of the shadowy hall. I furrowed my eyebrows together , that's where my dads room is located and he's not even home. He's at work,  I'm pretty sure the lockness monster left an hour ago to only God knows where. Now my curiosity is getting to me, My sisters should be in bed and if they are then who's in my dads room?
I shuffled out of my bed placing my bare feet on the cold hard wood floor.
Grabbing my jacket an putting it on, it felt like the house had dropped twenty degrees lower then what it was earlier. I tiptoe closer to the light down the rest of the dark narrow walk way  I reach the sides of the door and peek inside I was smiling to myself from previous thoughts though that disappeared instantly.
Why is she here? He promised. We all promised.
With the way he's moving his body on top of hers tells me someone had their fingers crossed. I opened the door and stood in the middle looking at them both "you promised" I said choking on my words as my eyes welled up with tears. They both looked at me, my father quickly jumping off of her naked body throwing on pants as quickly as he could. Brandy shuffles back covering herself with the blanket.
Please let this be a dream I muttered to myself shaking my head while slowly backing into the hall heading towards my room.

"Jay wait!" My dad calls after me, guess I didn't get away as soon as I wanted. I felt his hand quickly grabbing my shoulder turning me around to face him. "Let's talk about this first." He whines I grit my teeth together glaring at him. "How long.. How long has this been going on?" I ask, his eyes start to water, he swallows hard before speaking "it's..We" he lets out a sigh combing his hand through his hair raising his head enough to look me in the eyes. "We were talking before you three arrived here, but what you just saw was the first time in a long long time." He explained. "How long dad?!" He sighed lowering his gaze
"6 months ago.."
That was around the time Faith left for a girls trip. Explains why he left to go play pool with some friend named Chris even though he never hangs with people.. I knew something was odd then why didn't I question him.

"Do you love her?"

Guilt instantly washed over him his eyes falling to the metallic ring on his left hand.
"What about Faith?" I knew the answer, I just wanted him to feel guilty. Not guilty for not loving Faith but guilty for lying to the three of us; his family.

"I'm getting a divorce with her." He sighed. My heart dropped, yes I don't like Faith in fact I hate her, nothing comes close to the woman who took my life without me knowing, if Brandy and my dad get together,  if she moves in with us we will be destroyed all those years of my sisters and I healing will come crashing down. They won't mean a thing. These emotions created a storm inside me I couldn't help but unleash it without even realizing it.

"You can not let that woman into this house! You promised us last night , we all promised that we'd all stay away from her!! She hasn't changed dad she won't change! We both know that. I know for a damn fact she's playing you right now. Shes manipulating you, she knows how much you use to love her and how much you probably still do. Let me tell you one thing dad she won't ever fucking love you back! Sure she'll let you make love to her and it'll seem like she's in love with you but she's not dad. She is not in love with you! She wants to hurt us. You know that. Get that through your stupid  head Brandy is a good for nothing piece of shit and we do not need her back in our lives you use to be the same but you changed. The bitch in that bedroom will never change. She never will. If you loved us you would do the right thing and stay with faith or hell find someone who'll actually love you! You deserve better dad stop letting trashy piece of good for nothing waste of spaces take over your life it's not worth it dad they are not worth it!" I yelled with that said I turned heading for the living room. I need to get out of here.

I see a flashing light coming from the right side of me I turn my head to see what it was. It was just the tv but one of my sisters had passed out on the couch. I walked closely to her side scanning her face, its Heather. She had dried tear stains on her cheeks her eyes closed shut in a deep slumber. She must've heard them, seeing what they were doing had to have crushed her like it did me. She must be scared too. I lowered my head kissing her forehead.
"Everything will be okay." I whisper then walk out of the house to my car. I get inside and turn the engine on but so many questions were swimming through my mind that I couldn't leave, I was frozen staring off into space.
What happens now? Are we gonna be a family again? No this "family" can't ever be fixed and it won't. I won't let her into our lives , I won't let her destroy the "perfect" family we are trying to be. I won't give her any chances. I won't let hell engulf us three ever again.

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