Chapter 13

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I woke up to the shining sun in my face, feeling completely heavy and out of place , I Groaned turning over to avoid the sunlight from robbing me of sleep.

"I'll close them." Someone said, that was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep again.

Water, I need water was the first thing that popped into my head when I woke up. I sat up so fast my head was spinning. I groaned grabbing my head trying to focus on the things around me. I was staring at an old fashion cuckoo clock watching the long bell swing back and forth. Was I at Lisas? She's got one of those. I looked around the room some more noticing odd paintings messily hanging on the wall. The couch I was sitting on was leather , this isn't Lisa's house, where am I? I looked down at myself and realized I wasn't wearing any clothes , only my bra and underwear . What did I do last night? I stood up quickly looking around what I'm guessing is the living room. Luckily laying next to me was my jacket though it wasn't much cover up, I felt a little more covered than before. I threw it on and decided I was gonna take a look around this house I ended up in last night. So walked into the kitchen , shot glasses and beer bottles lined the counter, was there a party? Dishes piled up in the sink. I looked around my unfamiliar surroundings just hoping I'd find my shirt and pants.

"The rest of your clothes are in my room." I heard a familiar voice say. If its who I'm thinking it is , than boy am I glad to hear from him. I turned around and when I saw him my body started buzzing with excitement , so much so that I ran to him without thinking and wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back with just as much eagerness as I did. Never minding the fact that I was half naked . But with that thought settling into my mind I pulled away quickly pulling my hair back shyly.

"Ooh good , Uhm can we go get them? Or you, either is fine with me ." I rambled . He smiled at my nervousness .

"Of course we can , follow me." He said chuckling at the end. I followed him through the kitchen into a narrow hall way three rooms lined the right side of it and three rooms lined the left. I followed him all the way to the third door on the right , guessing his room. We walked into the small room a twin bed lined the right side of the wall opposite of where the door was . A book shelf on the left instead of books tons and tons of music CDs lined the shelves. Next to the book shelf a desk top with a tv and another empty beer bottle.

"Your shirt and pants are over there on my bed." He said I hurried to his bed where they were laying on top of his blue blanket. I threw them on as fast as I could.

"We didn't .. like .. " I started but was to nervous to spit out the whole question, he laughed shaking his head.

"No we didn't do anything last night."

"How did I get here?"

"I saw you walking , well stumbling on the road near wild rides bar. I pulled over asked you what you were doing , you had been crying and I could tell you were wasted , You could barely even explain to me what had happened. So I walked you to my car and drove you here." He explained.

"Okay but what about the clothes?" I asked.

"When we had gotten here , you were pretty hysterical about what was going on at home and then you started rambling about how you missed me. You kinda threw your self at me . I mean I appreciated the making out part,  we did that for a little while, then you started feeling on me and I didn't want to do anything with you while you were in that state of mind , You started taking off your clothes and I stopped you before you could take off the last couple layers. The rejection hit you harder though. you started bawling your eyes out so I held you till you cried your self to sleep then carried you out to the living room." He said , embarrassment hit me harder than ever before, my throat feeling tight an my mouth felt like the Sahara dessert which reminded me of my unforgiving thirst.

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