Chapter 18

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For once life was starting to feel good, comfortable. I felt happy. Such a foreign feeling for me. I mean my happiness was stripped from me the moment I was introduced to drugs and alcohol, The moment I witnessed what Mike had done to Heather, the moment Brandy put her hands on all of us. I never thought I'd be happy again, but good things come to those who wait I suppose. All the hell I went through was paid for when Xavier walked into my life and I couldn't be more grateful. I felt that through all of this there was one person who needed me the most right now and that's Lisa, I felt bad for pretty much blowing her off the other day after she called me about being pregnant so I figured I'd hang with her for the day. Be the best friend I should've been months ago for her.
She was caught off guard when I called her this morning wanting to spend time with her. I guess in her eyes I haven't been much of a friend to her at all through her ups and downs with Skyler, I was just so caught up with Xavier and my sisters that I forgot about other people in my life. Other people  being only one, and thats Lisa. 


I had just gotten out the shower, I stood in the middle of my room removing my towel after drying off. I walked to my closet after turning on music to get ready to. I pulled out black ripped jeans and a tight red tank top , throwing on my black sweatshirt. I walked to the bathroom pulling out my make up , I applied brown eyeshadow , a thin line of eyeliner , glossed my lips with a peach colored lipgloss, and quickly filled in my eyebrows. I tied my hair back in a ponytail throwing on socks afterwards , I slipped my feet into my black converse and headed out my room downstairs as I waited for Lisa to call me.

"Where you going?" My dad asked me cheerfully.

I glared at him clearing my throat before answering to his polite gesture.

"Out with Lisa, that's honestly all you need to know."
I said shutting down any further questions, my dad just nodded his head taking a swig from his bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Look I know you're mad at me , you're fucking furious. Honey, Jay I'm trying here please give me a second chance. I fucked up I can admit to that I cut ties with Brandy. Faith is coming in two days to get the rest of her things. I'm starting over, I'm going into rehab , I'm going to get a better job maybe work part time for a little so my stress can go down. She was only release princess I promise." He tried to say  quickly but all that did was slur his words more though  I was able to understand him clearly, been there done that. He lowered his bottle staring at it longingly.

"what makes you think I'm gonna be okay with any of this? Especially Brandy? She traumatized us. Beat us down to little nothings. Let her boyfriend do whatever to us with no consequences. We were neglected, bounded, and voiceless. I mean after we accepted you back into our lives, did you really think it was okay to go back to her? Especially after court an us three leaving her place?! To that heartless monster who doesn't care about her own flesh and blood. Who we wished years..  years to escape from. I don't care about the fact that you cheated, still disgusting and not okay but that's out of my control, it's who you cheated with. " I breathed deeply not realizing that my eyes started to tear up. 

"I'm sorry if I can't stand to talk to you often but I think you still need time to think about your actions and prove to me you're sorry, I already let you apologize once believing in your promises and you fucking blew it. It almost feels like you shoved your hand through my chest and ripped my heart out. Heather too because she knows!." I screamed, getting aggressive.  "We just didn't tell Koda because that would destroy her. I'm not taking an apology this time , I already know you aren't sincere about them. I'll leave you with this though.. actions speak louder then words." I said calmly looking him in the eyes. I shook my head turning quickly heading out the door.

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