Chapter 19

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"Oh there she is, Skyler this is Jay . Jay this is Skyler." Lisa said with a big smile.

I pulled all my strength together possible to keep myself from breaking down.
"Nice to meet you Skyler, I'm Jay."
I said with a smile as I stuck my hand out trying to keep it still from the trembling wanting to commence as I waited for Xavier to take it.
Like always he kept himself together perfectly.

"Nice to meet you Jay , I'm Skyler." He said with a smirk. A smirk he didn't fail to let show any emotion. He shook my hand back and sat down. I sat across from him and Lisa, Although this is so wrong and she deserves to know, it just wouldn't be good on the baby or her at all. I feel I want to know why he chose to lie to me all this time. Why he couldn't just be straight up with me. I would've been fine with a "let's just be friends." From him. But why? Why waste my time? An How the hell did I not put it together that it was Lisa.. all the time she spent with him while him an I were talking.. his constant absences make sense now.

"So Sky I was telling Jay about what you said , you know your plan, our plan. That kind of stuff." Lisa said breaking the silence. You could honestly cut the tension with a sword. My hands were balled so hard they were cramping in my lap.

"Yea , I'm gonna help Lisa out with the baby. Get my act together. Try to be a father. I was debating on Uhm.. leaving the gang. Separating from the guys for a while. If I'm being honest it's not the best thing to bring into the child's life. I got in touch with my sister and she's going to help me out with finding a place in her apartment complex, that way Lisa and I can move in and uhh.." he coughed and for a second I saw his emotions. The regret, the pain was written all over his face. His eyes showed deep remorse. So it does affect him. He cleared his throat relaxing his posture just like that all his emotions were gone. He kept his composure continuing with explaining his plan.

"We're going to try to work on being a well kept together family." He finished with a smile , he looked at Lisa after keeping eye contact with me the whole time.
As if telling me that's how it's going to be now that I know , like it's my fault I found out.

"I have to go." I whispered

"what? , you okay?" Lisa asked standing up , Xavier .. well Skyler , I don't know. He gets up and walks out of the booth letting Lisa out.

"Yea I'm fine , I just read a message from my boyfriend.. he wants to meet me at my place." I saw glancing at him trying to not breakdown.
"I uh forgot to tell you I was suppose to keep track of time. Now I gotta go, I can make up for it though, we can meet very soon. I love you." I said keeping myself together, I don't know how I managed to come up with something that fast. Lord knows I'm a mess inside right now All I can say is two can play at this game. I gave Lisa a hug and shook Xavier's hand loosely.

"I love you Lisa, call me when you're free." I said with a smile hurrying out of the cafe.

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