Chapter 22

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The drive to the police station was strange and quiet. I was still trying to process everything.

I couldn't believe all of the things that Skyler had done and how now I'm apart of that. Those things are nothing to take lightly , my life is going to change forever.
I sat in the office watching as officers walked back an forth , I made a game of counting how many donuts , coffee cups, files, pens, or fugitives were in each officers hands that passed me. That's how bored I was waiting to be interrogated.

"Okay, this way miss Green" a lady said to me.
I stood up walking into the room.

She sat me down and they cuffed me to the table.

The lady sat across from me while two guards stood behind me.

"Okay miss green I have a few questions for you and I'd like for you to answer truthfully it could possibly save Mr. Obitos life. Do you understand what I am saying?" She said as she opened up a file setting five others to the side.

I nodded my head watching her flip through papers.

She finally found one and pulled out a pen.

"Okay so first question , what's your relation with Skyler Obito?" She asked her brown eyes fixated in mine. She sat with her thin pale legs crossed together. Her tight skirt showing that she was using little effort holding her legs together.

"He's my boyfriend." I said. I wasn't going to be difficult with the lady after all any attitude I get from her , she didn't already get from me.

She nodded her head writing down on the paper.

"How long have you known Mr. Obito?" She asked

"Maybe almost a year" I responded honestly.

"Did you have any idea about the number of lives he's responsible for taking?" She asked me.
I knew if I said yes , they'd probably miss read it and lock me up for probably working with him or some shit. So I played dumb. It usually always works for me. I mean I am trying to fight against the charge of "harboring a fugitive". That's such a dumb thing to get arrested for , I didn't know about all of them or even about the robbery and kidnapping.

"No." I responded.

She hummed and jotted down more things.
I could tell she was very skeptical with my answers.

"Do you know who Mac Goon is?"

"Yes I do." I said

"What's your relation to him?"

"I just know he's friends with Skyler."

"Are you aware of the murder of Britni Yannel Mr. Goons. Mother? Two years ago?"

"No I'am not , they never talked about those things to me. They usually kept big things to themselves." I said , I'm so glad I had practice with lying to my mother , I knew it'd come in handy in my life at some point.

"Are you aware of the shooting of the drug deal "snow" that happened in California and the four men who were killed because of it, did Mr. Obito ever talk to you about it?"

"No he didn't , like I said before they usually kept big things to themselves."

"Okay, well are you aware of the murder of Mrs. Reign Losis the thirty-four year old daughter of Steve losis and mother of four. She was drugged, raped , and brutally murdered by Mac Goon, Toby Miller , and Skyler Obito. March twenty second , Friday at five Pm so about a month ago." She asked me staring deeply in my eyes.
I was in shock , Skyler raped women? Toby did those things? I was disgusted and sickened.

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