Chapter 8

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The all familiar voice that I've been waiting to hear said. My face lit up, Koda noticed she stared back at me still grinning look then she left.

I took a breath calming my self before I got too excited.

"Uh hi.. What's up?" I asked as calmly  as I could.

"Not much, what are you doing right now?" He asked his voice soft, Although I could tell he was on the edge about something.

"Just woke up from a nap, so nothing right now." I said sitting back down on the couch my knees were shaking. First off, Who has a dream about someone, and then the person they were dreaming about calls them randomly? Secondly, how the hell did he get our house number?

"Want to meet up at a restaurant or something?" He asked "maybe we could get something to eat, there's something I'd like to talk to you about, and hell do I wanna see you!" He exclaimed his voice going up a notch on the last sentence.

I hesitated, that dream had me shaken up pretty badly. I think I'm more comfortable not walking out in public.

"How about you come over, we could make something here? Unless, you know.. It's to soon." I said
to soon for what Jay huh?! God I'm screwing this up.

"It's not to soon" he chuckled
"That's sounds great I'll be there soon.. Do I just do the whole left and right thing?" He laughed my cheeks heated up I forgot he took me home one day.

"Yea just do the left and right thingy." I said. To be honest I don't really know my address.

"Something tells me you don't know your address." He said.

Shit, He's good.

"Nope nope, I do, my head just hurts to think... That's all!" I said he chuckled again Ugh he had such a sexy chuckle. Deep an low in the chest.

"K well I'll be there soon." He said

"alright bye." I hung up the phone nervously setting it on the table. I thought for a moment oh shit he's gonna be here soon! I looked down at myself, I look like shit! I darted for the stairs skipping one at a time I ran into my room started to rummage my closet I found a blue black flannel, black shorts, grey spaghetti strap tank top and of course my favorite pair of black vans. I ran into the bathroom taking my messy bun down. This time I think I'm gonna leave my hair down, I brushed it out putting it all to one side I sprayed it a little bit with hair spray so that it didn't look to frizzy also stayed in place. I quickly touched up my makeup then brushed my teeth. I stood back looking at myself, "keep calm Jay, keep calm." I whispered to myself, I took a big breath in then let it out. I heard a knock on the door I jogged downstairs the entire time I was walking down the stairs I was looking at my feet I almost tripped when I looked back up, Xavier had already been let into the house he was standing in front of the door with that sexy as hell grin on his face, I looked around the room to see who had let him in.
Koda. She had a sly grin sprawled on her lips, I really hope she doesn't embarrass me.


Xavier and I had just finished eating, all we had was a sandwich and a bowl of chips because we made a mess trying to make something else The ogre got pissed, at least she's cleaning it up. Now we are in my room sitting on my bed I closed my door and locked it because Koda kept interrupting our conversation. Now we were sitting on my bed content with full bellies , I looked at Xavier he was deep in thought and looked nervous like he was contemplating something. A few seconds later he sighed then looked at me
oh no here it goes..

"Jay..we need to talk." He said his jaw tightened, he was looking me dead in the eyes. I gulped getting nervous under his intense stare, I nodded my head slightly for him to continue.

"About that kiss, at Tristan's party.." He said then took a deep breath. I hope I wasn't bad or anything.

"I.." He stopped himself, his face lit up with realization. He pressed his lips together scooting closer to me he slowly placed his hand on my cheek, his thumb gingerly running over my lips as he stared me in the eyes again then his eyes flickered to my lips, I looked at his lips too.  The corner of his mouth quickly rose in a small smile. He leant in placing his lips on mine. Just as I remember, they're soft. Our lips fit perfectly like a missing puzzle pieces coming together as we kissed each other slowly sensually trying to savor something we both had been wanting for a long ass time.

He pulled away resting his forehead on mine, he let out a heavy breath smiling,  his thumb slowly rubbing my lips again.

"You have no idea how much that thought had been running through my head." He whispered. I nodded agreeing.

"I don't know why but I've been thinking about you none stop.." He whispered. "Which is weird... For me." He said his eyes looking away for a split second then looking back into mine.

Same, I totally felt the same but I wasn't expecting him to. I wasn't expecting him to think about me none stop, or think about wanting to kiss me again. I honestly thought we wouldn't see each other after the party.

"It's weird for me too.." I whispered hoping he didn't hear me. We stared at each other for a few seconds then Xavier's phone went off.
He looked at his phone his face faltering to annoyance, he denied the incoming call and sighed.

"I should uh get going." He said standing up brushing his hand through his hair, giving me a small smile.

"Well you got my number..." I said

"Fuck" he growled out of frustration, he quickly walked towards me again cupping my face in his hands kissing me roughly at first then he slowed down a little bit. As he slowly calmed down he pulled away, this time not looking at me.

"I have a feeling I'm not gonna see you for a little while." He whispered in my ear. Those words brought a type of strain to my heart I hate that feeling... I hate that I seem to be falling for this boy faster than expected. I mean hell we've only hung out once, already his words are getting to me its starting to mix my brain around like a tossed salad. I sighed taking a deep breath trying hard to put my front up. Washing out my emotions, blocking my feelings. I was trying to go numb. I didn't look at him, I just shrugged. I didn't like the spurts of seeing him an not seeing him for extended periods of times. I know we aren't dating, although some part of me feels like we've been in this for years.

"Ok" I said
He frowned for a split second.

"I had fun today" he said grabbing my hands running his thumb over my knuckles.

"Me too" I replied in monotone, He sighed letting go of my fingers heading for the door

"I'll see you later." He said

"See yuh." I mumbled

I stood frozen, I gotta find a way to get rid of these feelings I suddenly developed for him.

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