Chapter 23

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"Brandy Green, you're being released and your charges are being dropped." The lady from yesterday said as both guards held my wrist at the door , I saw Tito, Kevin, and my sisters waiting outside for me.
I smiled and nodded my head at the lady
"Here are your things sorry for the roughness Miss Green have a good day." The lady said with a smile, Her yellow red stained teeth made me cringe so I just awkwardly nodded my head walking past her out the door running to all of them. I hugged my sisters first then Tito and Kevin.
"I've missed you guys so much. Any word about Sky?"

"No , they aren't saying anything until next week. You're welcome to stay with Kevin and I until further notice." Tito said with a bright smile.

"Thank you." I said looking at my sister with worry, Tito noticed and laughed.

"It's okay your sisters are more then welcome to come and stay too, Isaac decided to adult and left the group for a real job and saved some money he was feeling guilty for his actions towards me and begged to move in and help build more room on the property for us if he could live with us. So we let him. He went over board and built like two extra rooms." Tito laughed explaining the wild story.

"Yeaa.. he really let him self go with drugs. It's pretty sad cuz he's so young. Lilly really fucked him up." Kevin added.

"That's crazy." I laughed nervously , I was more worried about Skyler at this point.
I glanced at my sisters who gave me an apologetic look , they could tell I was worried about Skyler.

"We'd love to go with, we know that Jay needs the comfort right now." Koda said and Heather agreed with her.
I smiled nodding my head.

"Well we should go. We probably can't go back to the house, it's probably evidence."

"No the house is fine , remember yesterday they said they didn't need anything else to do with it because they got.. you know.. Skyler." Heather said.

"Oh well still I don't want to stay there." I said.

"I understand." Koda said ,  "do you want to go and get your things?"
I nodded my head then Tito the muscular Mexican unlocked his red Durango. We all climbed in and had a silent ride to the house.

After we got my things, we went to Titos and Kevin's. I had my own room and I was so happy. Call me stupid and crazy but I don't really care I guess you could say I was stupidly crazy in love with Sky.
It pained me seeing skylers things in the room. His sent mixed with mine lingered within the six walls It gave my stomach butterflies. I changed my clothes and tied my hair back.  Sitting on my bed , I prayed with the little bit of faith that Skyler would be able to get out but a big part of me knew that was far from the truth.
A knock came to my door when I had started cleaning and putting our things away.

"Come in." I said.

"Hey, so Skyler has a hearing trial tomorrow I can take you if you want to go. Also dads going to be able to get out next Friday but he'll be on house arrest and kept a close eye on because of the amount of alcohol they found in the house and that he let you drink , and the cocaine he was smuggling. "
It didn't surprise me when I heard that dad was smuggling again, I could see that familiar tweaked out look in his eyes, Ever since the conversation he had with Brandy, that night Mac and the boys ambushed Tristan's party.

"Well that's good I guess huh?" I said with a sarcastic smile. Koda laughed holding just as much disappointment towards dad as I was. Knowing if he had just stayed smart and stayed with Faith and never messed with Brandy he would be stable and not have charges and people watching him, plus he promised he'd stay off that shit but I mean I guess I can't really trust him to keep promises.

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