Chapter 25

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"Hello is Kurt Obito there?" The man asked on the other end. Kurt got up quickly taking the phone from Mat.

"This is Obito?" Kurt said we sat silently waiting for the agent to speak.

"I have Toby Miller here, who asked to speak to you." The agent said with a cough, my heart sank I was really hoping it was Skyler.

"Okay." Kurt said, the agent told us to give him a minute as the line was transferred.

"Hello? Kurt?" Toby said in a panic.

"Yes Toby where's Skyler? Everything okay?" Kurt asked calmly.

"Oh thank god! Yea everything's okay not sure about Skyler yet, but first things first he asked me to ask about Jay, is she okay? Is she still locked up?" Toby asked with the sounds of relief from finally getting ahold of somebody.

"Yea she's okay actually with us right now, she's fine." Kurt said looking at me. Everyone had glanced at me with reassuring smiles, the love that Skyler had for me was very apparent by the affection I was getting from his family.

"Good. Well first they'll be releasing me soon but I'll have to be on house arrest for breaking my restraining order on Heather, from the sounds of it they don't have a lot of solid evidence against us on Reign. Jim Stuart won't say anything because of Rose sooo I don't know man seems clean to me." He said
Heather jumped up quickly giving Noah to Lilly.

"I tried hard for them to take the restraining order away Toby , I really did. I didn't contact them or anything. I promise. Noah needs you, he hasn't stopped crying." Heather explained in a panic.

"It's okay, I'm not mad just make sure it gets done so that they don't try to keep me from him." Toby said.
Heather nodded her head rushing to Noah who was screaming in Lilly's arms.

"So nothing about Skyler at all?" I asked

"I'm afraid not." Toby said.
Tears began to fill my eyes Mathew walked to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side, I love how supportive all his friends were even though this was the first time I was meeting them.

"We heard he has a hearing tomorrow." Sam added in.

"I don't know, I'd talk to dad Mac see what he can do. I don't think he has bail but we can probably figure something out" Toby said I think he was hinting bribery.

"Where are we going to find the money??" Mathew ask with tears in his eyes.

"Don't worry we'll get it, he'll be out before the end of next week." Kurt said setting his hand on my shoulder.

"My fathers getting his ass beat for setting it that high knowing damn well we wouldn't be able to afford it." Mac seethed.

"I heard he had no choice, he really had to fight for the judge to be nice. He put in his all. They weren't accepting no bail at first , wanted us both to do life." Toby said trying to keep us calm.

"We will get it, just means we have to really dig deep." Max added.

"Our father will help, he doesnt like his sons being locked up." Liam added.

"I'll contact him after this phone call, I know he can get at least half of it." Kurt said.

"Sky's really trying to convince the sheriff to let him have one phone call, he's freaking out about Jay and his children." Toby added concern lacing his voice.

"I'm afraid if they don't, he'll find some way to get his hands on dad." Toby added.

"Let him." Mac said chugging his beer as anger built up inside of him.

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