Chapter 21- First step

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Chapter 21- First step

Arima Kousei's P.O.V.


Last night, I had a dream. That I was with Kaori performing our piece in front of the crowd. The sound of the violin is beautifully ringing. People are watching.

Bu the time it ended, be bowed together and looked up the bright lights shining through us, looking in awe. I looked at her, and I saw tears of joy like clear crystals flowing down her cheeks. We shared looks and she gave me a light smile. "I'll never forget."


"I'm going to make Kaori remember me." That was my favorite quote ever since I had that nice conversation with Kuroma-san in the abandoned building. And I was hoping that one day, it would come true.

Today, I was assigned to lead the Orchestra band of our school and play the grand piano for the melodic percussion. It was requested by our professor since he'll have a day-off this day. I have no problems regarding it since it's just a regular rehearsal of the band. I went in the auditorium and I saw a semi-circle formation at the center stage with a mini stage for the conductor at the center. It looks really formal and attractive from where i'm standing especially that the instruments were newly bought by the professors.

Everyone looked at me walking down the sloppy aisle when they started mumbling and exchanging thoughts. The conductor, which is shinya-sensei gave me a warm welcome and let me sit on the piano chair at the right side of the orchestra. "Alright then, shall we start?" He yelled joyfully and excitingly.

"Hai, sensei!" Everyone prepared their instruments with them. There were cellos, and violins played by students in the strings group. Trumpets and horns together with flutes in the winds group. There's also two percussionists at the back who'll play the drums. Infront of me, there's a prepared piano sheet. I opened it and I saw the name of the piece we'll be playing.

"Your majesty and glory of your name." I can tell that it's a really beautiful piece knowing the it's a Christian song. But anyway, i'll only be playing a part of it because most of the parts will be played by the instrumentalists.

Shinya-sensei started swinging his arms with his stick. "Ready... And..." The orchestra started playing.

The sound started with a flute followed by a violin. And then the trumpets and horns started playing when the intro was about to end. The cello players played the bass parts of the violin, while the two percussionists at the back softly played their part.

When the chorus part was near, i carefully touched the piano keys and started playing it together with the orchestra swiftly but softly. Together, all the sounds made a perfect combination that is pleasing to ones ears.

While we were playing, I looked at Shinya-sensei at the middle happily conducting looking only at the center point. Conductors must not move their heads according to what we've studied. They only look at one direction wherein they could sense every instrumentalists' movements forming a great harmony.

My vision started transforming to another persona as I constantly stared at him. I tried imagining that he was Kagero-san. Kuroma-san mentioned to me before that he loved to have his own orchestra. It fits him so well. How I wish to see him like that, but I guess that will only be a dream because I know that there's no chance for me to befriend him.

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