Chapter 8

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"DUCK DOWN!" Aris screams as I bend to the ground but a sharp bite goes into my arm. I cry out as gun shots echo all around me as I watch Aris shooting them all down one by one, until all that remains is my whimpers into the air as I pull up my jumper and look at it. I cry and try to rub it away,but of course that doesn't work.

"Am I one of them now?" I cry to Aris who purses his lips together.
"You'll never be."

All that I can think of right now is that I leave my sanity I will never forgive myself. Or perhaps all I'm looking for is an escape from this harsh reality. The bite on my wrist seems to trigger all these thoughts and emotions. Like another sense.

"Come on," he scoops me up and I rest my head on his chest "You're stronger than a small,crappy bite."
"That'll kill me.." I whisper in the lowest tone possible I can. So that even he can't hear it "Aris,just put me down, I want to prove to you that I'm strong."
"I know that all ready."

I smile and nod,pulling off "Then stare a little longer,"

My hands hold my wrist quite close. There was a mild pain stinging across it. But I had to ignore it. I sigh softly. Aris' promise to make it somewhere safe by tonight obviously wasn't possible. So he takes me a few miles to a small rocks which we can easily sleep under. I curl up with him close beside me,I bite my lip then press them to his. Feeling a warmth circling round my body,he doesn't let go with his arms around me. Pulling his body over mine as his lips attach to my neck. I can feel the tingles down my spine as I let out short,small,little whimpers of pleasure as he pulls away. Eyes locked on mine,I didn't want this to stop.

"Keep going-" I whisper "I just want you close."

I pull off his jacket then shirt,trailing my hands across his chest as I small smile grows on my lips. I lie him down on safe ground, kissing down his chest as his fingers wrap in my hair. I pull back up and smile,stroking his cheeks.

"We're okay," I whisper as he nods slowly. Sliding on his shirt,I keep him down,never wanting to let him leave "Don't leave me,Aris."

He chuckles "I won't."

I sigh and lie down a few inches away from him as I look up at the stars "Don't ever die," I tell him.
"You shouldn't worry about me,"
"I thought we were in love."
"We're not meant to know what love is in this place,"
"Didn't know we were obeying by the rules."
"We're not-"

"Goodnight Aris," I kiss him hard and close my eyes, instantly falling asleep. Dreamless of course,just hoping that he'll be safe. That we'll make it. Actually,no. Just so we can be together. No matter where. That's all I want. Is that really too much to ask for?

I mutter these words as my eyes open,but my arms are pulled back. I scream as Aris' eyes open. I cry louder for help,was it Wicked? Was this it?

"In there Harriet!" A man yells as the tent flaps open. The girl stands in front of us. Beauty but an angry,dominant fire in her brown eyes,thick black hair and light brown skin. She looks in amazement of them both.

"You made it!" She cries of joy. Running up to Aris and letting his ropes go,hugging him hard. Who was she?
"If it wasn't for Anna I'd be dead," He smiles and nods to me as the girl let's me go.
"Thank you so much," she smiles and hugs me.
"Who are you?" I whisper.
"I was in Aris' group. Our guard found you guys in the night, must've been a deadly journey to get here."
"It hella was," Aris laughs and they turn back to me "Harriet,let's talk okay? Anna,you sleep here. I'll see you in a bit."

Before I can object they walk away. I sigh and sit there for a a few minutes,trying to understand the situation. But I can't exactly. I walk out and around to try and find Aris until I hear his voice coming from a tent. I open the flap slowly and see him and Harriet who face away from my direction.

"I have to protect her from what's out there," Aris sighs "I have to."
"Never thought I'd see you in love."
"Well I never thought I'd leave the place."
"But Aris.. She's from Wicked. Are you sure you can trust her?"
"More than anything."
"Well I'll get Sonya to see to her soon."
"Just make sure she's safe and happy,all I want for her."

They remain silent for a few seconds until the girl comes out with something-

"Did you ever cry when we were in the trial?" She asks.
"Don't think so,"
"I used to think you were the bravest person ever."
"You still do?"
"Maybe. Or maybe you do it to prove to people that they have the capability to be strong."
"Yeah.. But.." He sighs "The trials took my heart,but Anna... Anna gave it back to me."

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