Chapter 15

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"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching"
- Gerard Way

I start to back away but the door stops me,

"You think you're doing the right thing?" He demands "You could've died out there!"
"Well she's very much alive.." Harriet mutters.

"You all shut up!" He spits "You're lucky I haven't shot you three right on the spot,"
"They're my friends," I whimper.
"They're enemies to us all," he hisses.
"That's not true dad,you just don't believe.. Mum would've believed me."


I walk through the headquarters until I reach my fathers office. He sits there,looking weak. I gulp and sit opposite him.

"How was your day?" I beam.
"Okay," he mumbles,running his hands through his hair "It's nice to see you though. My grown girl,almost fifteen. I know.. She would've been here with us.."

At this sentence I feel myself about to break-

"Dad,I'm gonna go," I stand up and begun to walk away.

"I miss your mum," he mutters.
"I do too.." I whisper,running away. Like I would from any problem.

(Flashback over)

"What would mum think?" I snap "We killed her!"
"No,it was the virus!"
"We let her,you let her.."
"She was suffering-"
"Then you bloody let her kill herself!"
"She couldn't be a Crank,she wouldn't let that be,she wouldn't allow herself!"
"You killed her. She loved you.. I'll never forgive you for that.. Now," I raise the gun "Do what you can,before it's too late."

"Don't.." He raises his hands.
"Do it!" Harriet demands "Just do it!"
"Just think about this Anna," father says sternly "Just think. You want peace. And this certainly won't help the cause. I just want what's best for you."
I nod and let the gun down "You're killing innocent people. Harming them. All for what?"
"A cure."

Aris scoffs "And when will you find it?"

"Soon..." He stutters "I just need more time.."
"There isn't anymore time.." I mutter. Holding in a flood of tears.
"Shoot him," Aris mumbles "Before I do it myself."
"I... Love you father.." I gulp out.
"I do too Anna. So just,don't shoot. Okay?"
I nod slowly "But. You broke me. And I hate you,because I love you."

"You happy!?" Aris demands.
"Of course not boy!"

I shake my head and run past them all. As quick as I can to the roof as I stand there in silence. The wind blowing across my face,I whimper and look behind me. I see a Crank. It's Aris. All in my head.

"What did I do to you?" I whisper.
"Killed me.." He mumbles "You killed everyone. Can't you see that?"
"I love you Aris.."
"Then stop-"
"I can't!"
"Well that's the problem,we don't work!"
"Why would you say that?"
"Like I said,love doesn't work in this place. I can't be with you Anna,"
"Shut up!"
"Aris,you're all I have!"
"What about Ratman?"
"Don't. Shut up,about him," I walk close and press his lips to mine, cupping his cheeks. Eventually as I pull away I see him. Normal Aris,with a smile on his face. I hug him,crying into his shoulders.

"I love you Aris."
"I know. And I love you too.."
"Just.." I pull him closer "For.. One simple second.. Pretend that we'll make it.."
"We will. I believe it."
"Then help me believe too.."

I'm about to kiss him again when Harriet bursts through, tears streaming down her face. We run and follow her,back to the hall where Sonya lies. Gun shot in her stomach,she pants heavily as Aris cradles her,stroking wisps of blonde hair away from her eyes.

"We're okay.. Are we safe?" She pants as Aris nods "Make sure we win. You promise me?"
"Yes.." He whispers as I start to cry "I promise Sonya."
"Good. Now,you'll be with her and you'll be safe. Make it through like we did the trials,"

She breaths slowly as I hear it stop. I cup my hand over my mouth and shake my head "No.. No she's not dead. Let's help her. Come on.."
"We can't," Harriet cries.
"Who did this?"
"Your father.."
"You can kill him. But I won't be the one to do it.."

I shake my head and grab Aris' hand,starting to drag him away. I couldn't let myself look back now-

"I can't let her suffer," Harriet whimpers as I lift Sonya up,she winces and cries out from the pain. I carry her to my old room and lie her down,ounces of blood spilling onto the sheets. I grab a shirt and mop up the mess,then wrap two around her wounded stomach as Harriet squeezes onto her cold,shaky hand.

"We're okay.." I choke out.
"Please," she nods to the gun in my pocket,her voice almost gone "Please.."
"I can't-" I take the gun and slowly place it in her hands. Tears in my eyes.
Her lip quivers heavily "It's okay."

Aris' kisses her cheek and slowly walks away "Goodbye Sonya,I'm sorry." Harriet hugs her limp body.

It then leaves just me and her. I look into her beautiful eyes,tears glistening in them.
"You can make it," she smiles.
"We won't forget you," I whisper as I walk to Aris and Harriet. We close the door and walk away in silence down the steps as the gun sounds. We stop for a few seconds as I look down,squeezing my eyes shut.

"She's an angel," Harriet says "We did what he have to do."
"And now what do we do?" Aris mumbles.
"Kill my father.." I reply. Anger pulsing through my veins "I'm ready."

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