Chapter 19

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"Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal."

(Flashback- Aris is 8 years old-Just captured by Wicked- third person)

Aris sits there shaking,just the fact that he was taken away from his family. Like it didn't even mater. He thinks this as he walks down a large corridor,just him and a woman dressed in white,not a word could come out of his mouth.

"Aris,it's okay," she smiles "Everything's going to change."

He's taken into a room full of children about six of them. Normally her be the social butterfly in his class at school with these types of kids,but this place didn't feel like life,almost like a dream. But he had to find someone to rely on and trust. So he met them- Harriet the smart ten year old,Minho who didn't seem to be scared of anything,Winston who was too busy to talk or realise the situation because he was too focused on colouring in a stickman image of what looked to be him and his family,Sonya who say there in fear,braiding her beautiful long blonde hair for comfort. And one more,a girl curled up in the corner. Who Aris immediately thought was beautiful,that would be his new friend. The one he could trust the most.

"Wicked is good..." She whispers over and over,as if those are the only words she's ever learnt. Aris gulps and makes his way over to her-

"I'm Aris.." He smiles.
"Anna..." She says,her voice in pieces. She jumps up frantically as the door bangs open to reveal a man,distinctly reminding Aris of some kind of creature,sending an intense amount of fear through him. The man grabs the seemingly shy and broken Anna,Aris feels the urge to help but watches as she melts into his arms,like nothing could have persuaded her to let go.

"Daddy," she whispers in relief and hugs him tight as they walk out,every other kid is left there in utter silence.

"This place isn't safe.." Winston mutters.
"Well I ain't scared," Minho scoffs and folds his arms.
"If you ain't scared you ain't human," Aris mutters "You don't understand what's coming,"

(Flashback over)

I sit there in the morning,watching the fire. Hearing it crackle as I shiver.

"I'm sorry kid," a man sighs, one who I don't know. I knew Harriet did,he sits beside me "Young love.."
"We think we can beat Wicked. Soon,we really do. And,we know she was on our side."
"Of course she was. It's what she said before died."
"Aris,Wicked are coming for us,for you. You killed that man. We've all got to pay."
"They've gotta pay. For killing her."

He nods as I hear something behind us.

"Put your hands up!" The voice yells. I don't want to but the man on my side does,I do the same and turn,Wicked guards with the guns pointed at us. Smirks wiped across their faces "You must pay,all of you. With us in the trucks!"

"No..." I gulp "Not after what you did."
"No Aris," they mutter "You killed her. You killed Anna."
"Shut up idiots!" I hear Harriet hiss "Get away from us. Now!"

"I used.. To think you were good.." I choke out "But not after you killed her. You did it. And all those others. You hurt them,people..." I grab a Grenade from my pocket "This,was... I found it at Wicked. And for what I know it could kill you,it could blow up everything in my path."

"Aris.." A woman says calmly "Look around. Do you really want all of them to die?"
"You all ready took away Sonya and her," I mutter.
"All for a Cure."

I scoff and roll my eyes "I'm dreaming aren't I?"
"No,Aris. You're not,"
I pant and look at the Wicked team "I can't hurt you. Even when you hurt Anna."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm not going to cause anymore harm to the world,"
"Anna wasn't your fault Aris," Harriet cries "You know that."
"What happens if they're right, If Wicked's right?"
"They're not!"

I grasp my head and scream heavily as I collapse to the ground...

I promised Anna..

I promised you...

"I promise."

"I promise you."

I had promised her. Promised.

"PROMISED!" I scream as I'm kicked into rocks,a knife slicing down my back.

"Say her name," a guard smirks "Or everyone you care about dies. Tell us what happend to her.. Tell us how you met,tell us your shitty love story."
"It wasn't shitty!"
"It wasn't love."
"Then what is?"
"When they live happily ever after. She's gone,and you're doomed."

He laughs as I hear a scream and a bang.

"Who was that?" I pant heavily.
"What do you think boy?"
"Stop.. Killing.. Innocent.. People.."
"Shut up!"

I'm about to scream again when I hear a helicopter. It has WCKD printed on it. I shake my head and look inside as my eyes open wide- I see a boy,brown hair and an innocent shaky face,it pulls up and he holds out his hand to me.

"Come on!" He yells "Come on it's safe!"

I'm about to refuse but I look into his brown eyes as he turns into Anna. Smiling at me,I grip his hand and climb in as Harriet does the same.

"Who are you?" She pants as he begins to tackle back Wicked members.
"Thomas.." He smiles "Don't worry. You're safe now."

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