Chapter 3

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We slowly walk down the corridors of the head quarters,watching each others' every move. We keep going until we reach a door.

"It's shucking locked.." He mutters and taps it a few times,I pull out a card and swipe it as the door opens "Genius.." He pats my shoulder as we run through,past room after room until we reach a door "This is it Anna,"

I nod and look up "Yeah it is.. I can't believe I'm doing this. Tell me why I'm doing this?"
"For your own safety. I promise you," he says this with a warm,reassuring smile as the doors slam open. I hear a yell as my stomach twists and I start to run along side Aris,as fast as I can. A sense inside of me that wanted to grip his hand and never let go.

I heave heavily "What happens if something bad happens?" I cry out to him.
"It won't," he mutters as he stops in his tracks. Sitting down on the sand,me beside him.
"What is this place Aris?"
"The Scorch,"

I nod and look around.

"I'll start by saying it's an extremely dangerous place," he sighs.
"You would know?"
"I was told once. It's a bad place Anna,full of monsters of such."
"Well,I believe that not all monsters do monstrous things.." I mutter,not making eye contact until he gently raises my chin.
"Anna,you don't understand."
"Enlighten me then."
"Like I said,give it some time."
"Let's go then,"

I stand up then pull him with me,walking across the desert as I look up at the sky- "Aris,it's gonna get dark soon,we need to find shelter."

"From the monsters," He smirks and winks. I smile and look down,blushing gently "There's a slender right ahed,look."

We walk together and gently slide in,looking around at the large,blank-space which was crowded with random objects. We sit down and I curl against a wooden box,rocking gently-

"Tell me about your mother," he mutters.
"She was beautiful,kind,caring. She died six years ago,so I was ten. I was told she had a Virus,that it had to be done."
He nods "The damn Flare. You see,the reason they put us in that place,the people like me,we're immune to it."
"We survived.." I whisper softly and look up at him "So why do we have to run away and hide it?"
"Because we're valuable."

I stand up and begin to walk away "Aris,let's look.."
"For what?" He follows after.
I shrug "Clues,supplies," I start to walk around and pick up needed objects as I hear him chuckle.
"You don't understand what's it's gonna be like Anna,"
"Well I'll adjust," I mutter as I place the backpack on my shoulder,sliding a gun into my pocket "I have to. Until we get to the place."
"Call it freedom," he smiles and I nod. I gently hold out my hand and he takes hold onto it,I feel a spark bursting through me at this point. Like a ray of happiness,like I could never let go.

I had everything I wanted,I lost it all. I'm going to get it all back,piece by piece. And I know now that I can do that,just as long as I had Aris' hand.

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