Chapter 4

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I wake the next day to see Aris close asleep beside me. I smile and stroke his soft hair for a few seconds,he wakes and takes my hand.

"How was your sleep?" I ask with a smile.
"Better than I can ever remember," he mutters as I pull out some bread and water I found.
"Eat up.. We've got a long day,haven't we?"
He nods "Yeah."

I stand up and walk out,knowing he wasn't far behind as I watch the landscape. Like a blank canvas,but it was pretty obvious that a trail of horrible events have taken place here. I feel the need to scream because of this but my nerves are calmed when I feel Aris beside me. I smile gently and he does the same back as we begin to walk,for hours and hours. Focusing on ahed as I trip over something. Falling to the group as Aris quickly helps me up.

"You okay?" He asks as I nod "Don't look down Anna,"
"What?" I mutter as I skim my eyes to the dead body on the floor. I gasp and scramble back,cupping my hand over my mouth.

It's a boy,about our age,black messy hair curled up,covered in sand,his beautiful pink lips covered in blood and black gunk,messy ripped clothes which hide something on his stomach which I don't even want to lift up. He had a gun shot near his throat. It was obvious he had to end his suffering.

"Who was he?" I whimper "And why did he do this?"
"I think his name was Winston.." Aris mutters as I lean down,stroking his cold,dead cheek. Sending shivers down my spine "He must've been bitten,to be honest I don't blame him."
I nod "His eyes are closed," I whimper as he places his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry a bit Anna,he's safe. Somewhere where he's okay."
"Yes,I know it."
"Winston.." I let his name slip out out of my mouth about five times. I gulp and pull out the photo if my mother,the tears falling down my face "This.. Is.. My.. Mother.." I tell him "And.. In.. The safe place.." I wipe my eyes quickly and gulp "If you see my mum.. Tell her I miss her."

Aris helps me up and I hug him tight,crying into his shoulder,
"Shhh.... It's okay," he strokes my hair "Anna. Listen to me, a lot of people. Innocent people. Died for us to get this far. So we can't give up."

I nod and wipe my nose "I know.. I'll never give in."
"Good," he smiles and strokes my cheek "For me?"
"For you.." I whisper back "Just don't leave me," I try to get myself closer,wanting to hold him,needed to hold him "You're my best friend Aris,"

He nods and presses a long hard kiss on my forehead,calming me down completely. I pull away and look into his eyes,smile as his lips hover to mine. Put they don't touch,he just sighs gently

"Anna," he smiles "I want to freeze this moment and live in it forever."
"I think I'd like that."
"Come on," he begins to walk "Mustn't be long now. They'll welcome us,"
"Stop-" he pushes me back.
"What the shuck!?"

He places his fingers over my lips and nods in the distance. A girl stumbles about,broken and shrivelled up- I can tell that she was once beautiful. Her curly brown hair is basically torn out,brown eyes popping out as she moans out in anguish. I pant and look at Aris.

"Don't drawn any attention." He mumbles and pulls out a gun.
"She's innocent-" I stop his hands.
"It's.. We'll die."
"Aris,don't.. Please."
"I'm sorry Anna," he says plainly as he shoots the girl. I pant and whimper as he walks away,past the body. Like he couldn't give a care in the world. Sending deep anger and fury through me.
"Aris,you didn't have to do that.."
"I did.."
"No. Look,hey. Another person will die if you don't start listening to me-"
"I AM LISTENING I HAVE BEEN LISTENING!" He yells as I jump back. He pants and looks down "I'm sorry.. Just,I don't think you know what's really out there, what those Cranks will do when they lay their hands on you."
"But they were once innocent,"
"Not anymore. And neither are the people we ran away from."
"They're all innocent,you wouldn't understand."
"No Anna. You wouldn't," he stops me "You seem to replace your brain with your heart. You take things so hard and then you just fall apart."
"Well I have my reasons."
"Explain.." He mutters. I nod and flash back...

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