Chapter 14

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"Your endurance is strongly influenced by
your fundamental myth about the fighting."

My hands cling onto the gun,trembling wildly as I look at Aris. The walk took hours,even though it felt like weeks. Until we arrive at Wicked,back home for all of us. It was like returning to the scene of a crime. To me it was a world of never-ending nightmares.

We walk down each corridor. It had never been empty before. There was always something to hear,always something to see.

"I want her back by this evening!" I hear father yell as he storms down the hall. We jump into a small cupboard,clutching each other until the noises stops.

"Guys!" Aris hisses "Down here," he points to a dark room which we enter. Across the walls there are screens with peoples photos and names. I see a boy,the one I recognise from the Scorch. Winston. I gulp and lightly move my fingers across his pixilated face as we observe all the victims of this tragedy of a result to Wicked. It's obvious Aris,Sonya and Harriet clearly recognise all these people.

"There's thousands.." Harriet whimpers "Teenagers,children,adults. Even,little babies."

I nod slowly and take Aris' hand.

"Right,we'll go search for as many innocent survivors whilst you find Ratman," Aris mutters "We'll meet back here in an hour. Or less if you really need to."
"And if we don't make it back?" Harriet sighs.
"If we don't make it. I love you all for fighting. Fighting for the best cause," Sonya mutters,hugging me,then Aris,then Harriet tight.
"We're gonna live guys," Aris smiles "I will not die without fighting for a life I am not yet done living."

He nods to the girls then pulls out his gun as we begun to jog,in search of anyone innocent. After a few minutes we stop,maybe just to savour the moment.

"I'm so scared.." I whisper,leaning my head on his shoulder "Scared of loosing you."
"When someone dies. And they've been fighting a battle for good. Death will still reward them in many ways."
"Everybody just wants to change the world Aris."
"I know," he sighs "But no one,no one wants to try."

"INTRUDERS!" A guards voice screams. They've obviously seen Harriet and Sonya. We scramble up and I take Aris up along flights of steps until we reach the roof. I close the door gently and sit beside him,looking out at the moon light.

"No one ever goes up here," I tell him as I feel my bite start to hurt. Then I see my mother sitting there. Skin pale,white as the clouds. I gulp as I see her,talking to my father. This.. This couldn't be real. Just my head. It's all in my head.

"I'm a bloody crank!" She cries,shaking his shoulders "It's Anna. It's her fault,she's trying to kill me!"

At that moment my father dissapears,then so does she. But I hear her voice echo these three words-

"Wicked is good."

I pant and shake my head rapidly "Right. Aris,we've gotta find Harriet and Sonya."

He nods and walks to the door as he starts to shake it,gripping onto the handle "Anna it's locked.."
My eyes open wide "He knows we're here. Someone must.."

Aris nods,showing no emotion as he raises his gun at the door. Shooting multiple times "We need to show him we're not scared Anna."
"So lie?"

At that moment the door slams open,one of my fathers best guards stand there. I remember him from the second I moved into this place.

"Anna.." He smirks "And,Aris.. Is that your name?" We stay completely silent "Now,you two come with me. A little trip to the head quarters. Come right now and I'll make it easy. Let's go."

He steps forward but a bullet stops him. I scream and jump back as he falls to the floor,blood in the back of his head. I look up to see Sonya,standing there with the gun-

"Well,that was easy," she sighs.

"Where's Harriet?" I ask.
"Holding them off."
"Then who?"
"We've let the Cranks in. It's like a blood bath out there,I think they've done the work for us. Now let's go before they kill us too. But we need to climb,they've surrounded it all."

"Not every place," Aris smiles. He nods to a drain cover,opening it easily as he begins to crawl through. It's spacious,I go behind,then Sonya. It's like we met. A warmth buzzes through me as I think of this. We keep going through many routes which he seems to know off by heart. Until the screaming gets louder,we all stop. We need to find Harriet.

"She'll make it," Sonya whispers.
Aris nods "Of course. We'd be dead from the trials if it wasn't for her."

We scurry through a door and we see her. She pants,bite free. How? We start to run,down to a large grey door. But it won't open. I let out a yell in frustration,there was nowhere else to go. Sonya and Harriet start to bang codes or use objects to open up the card slot.

"I knew we'd meet again.."

My heart drops down,my stomach twists as I turn round to see him. Only him. My father standing there,looking into my eyes.

"Oh Anna.." He smirks,with love in his tone of voice too "What were you thinking?"

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