Chapter 10

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I love putting like sweet quotes at the start of this fanfic which remind me of Aris and Anna so I'll be doing that now-
"Forget what we're told,until we get too old."

I storm through the camp "Anna-" Harriet grabs my arm "Aris told me about your bite. But it's okay,we can fix it."
"You cannot fix it!" I yell "But my father can,I'm calling him here!"

She pulls out a gun and presses it at my forehead,fingers hovering over the trigger "I swear,if you do,I'll shoot-"
"Just do it!"
"I don't want to.."
"Why not?"
"Because Aris will never forgive me,"
"Where is he anyway?"
"I'm not sure," she pulls the gun away "Anna I'm not going to shoot you. I need you to calm down. Just.. Let me observe the bite."

She grabs and tackles me to the ground,sitting on my stomach as she pulls my sleeve so the bite is visible to her. I whimper lightly as she observes intently.

"Right, you can't tell anyone. But it's not.. I don't think it's deep enough to cause you harm. You'll be okay."
"I will?"
"Of course."

I pull away and hide my bite. She sighs and takes me to a block of showers, I slam a door shut and strip,folding my clothes up the standing under the warm water. I hadn't felt this relaxed in ages. I rinse my bite and my hair,washing it intently,I lean against the wall and roll my head back,hands clutched together as I hold in my tears.

(Flashback- Anna is 10)

"Daddy," I take his hand "When's mum coming back?"

I see the tears in his eyes "Soon.. I think sweetie."
"I haven't seen her for weeks."
"I don't think you will see her."

He leans down and cups my cheeks "Listej to me darling. Follow these words. Exactly. Can you do that for me?"
I nod "Yes."
"If you're going through hell,keep going."
"What does that mean?"
"Maybe you'll find out someday. Maybe."
"Please let me see mum!"
"I can't. I need to keep you safe."
"Dad-" he grabs my arm and pulls me to my room. Sitting me down.
"I said no. Never!"

I whimper and nod. Curling up. Darkness and misery creeping over me. What was out there?

(Flashback over)

"Anna?" Aris' voice echoes.
"Yeah?" I gulp and quickly turn the shower off.
"Just checking to see if you're okay..."
"I'm fine Aris," I say,grabbing my clothes as I quickly dry myself and place them back on.
"Anna, please. Talk to me. Tell me what to do!"
"You're doing fine as it is Aris."
"No.. Please Anna tell me how to fix it."
"Don't you get it. You can't fix this,whatever this bloody thing is. The flare,the flare that killed my mother. And now it's killing me!"
"Stop-" he whimpers.
"So if you got a bite,which is slowly killing you each day, you'd be able to fix it wouldn't you!?"
He gulps "I'd try."
"Yeah because you're Aris. The one who's always got a plan. I don't even know why you waste you time!"
"On what?"

Anger seems to be bursting through me. Exploding inside of my body,like nothing else exists apart from this crushing feeling.

"Some of us aren't as smart,haven't been through as many trials or battles. Some of us make mistakes. Some of us aren't human!" I yell "You need to stay away.. I need to go.." I wipe my eyes and walk off, my heart breaking into pieces. Like nothing was left. Like everything was about to fall apart. Maybe it was,my bite, I'm about to loose my mind. This is it.

I'm a Crank. Shouldn't the story be over by now?

Sorry for the short chapter :( Will update soon!

And thank you guys for 100 views!!!

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