Chapter 18

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"You'll fall in love again. Oh trust me you will. But it'll never match the first,not a chance in the world."

(Remember-We're in Aris POV for the rest of this story)

I grab Ratman and shove him to the floor,Harriet holds him down as I point the gun close to his face.

"You killed her!" I yell "Your daughter, the love of my life!"
"I... Didn't.. You did.." He snarls as I shake my head.
"She would've wanted me to save you. But no,I'll never forgive you for all the bad you've done. You hurt people.. But not for a cure,just because you can!"
"I didn't mean for my daughter to die.."
"But you let her. You idiot!" I yell and shoot him dead. Kicking his body across the room "You deserve that. You deserve to rot!"
"Aris,we need to go.." Harriet pulls me away. I seem to melt into the ground at this point,but she holds me up,obviously understanding my pain. To be honest,right now it's impossible to realise.

I've lost her.

Get that into your bloody head Aris!


I can't

I don't want to

I won't

I shake these thoughts out as we walk away from Wicked. Wandering through the Scorch where I came. Everything reminds me of her now,especially those dead Cranks I see buried in the sand, they were once innocent. And I can't fix it.

"Aris please.." Harriet sighs.
"She died.." I mutter "She died saving us."
"I know,"
"Tell me how I'm going to live without her?"
"You tell yourself she's right next to you. Everywhere you go,she's there. Maybe she is,you just can't see it, "
"I.. I want to speak to her all the time."
"Then just try,"

I nod and hug her tightly. She'd always support me,even from being back in the Maze with her. I had no one left now apart from Harriet. So we walk back to the Camp,I drag her up a cliff and watch the beautiful landscape.

"I'm going to see if I can see her," I smile and nod to the sky "She'll tell me what to do."
"Call me if you need me Aris," she whispers and walks away.

So that remains me trying to see her. I lie down and close my eyes,all I see is darkness.

"Look at the stars," I say to Anna "Look how they shine for you."

(Flashback-Third person POV)

Aris sighs and sits there slowly. Looking up at the Sky,glittered in stars. Something fascinated him about these things. Ever since he saw them.

"Gazing again?" Beth chuckles as she sits beside him.
"They're pretty.." He mumbles. He shook his head and looked down. He wanted someone,someone to love,someone to trust. He knew that if he ever feel in love he'd look up and see her in the night sky. He'd see her beauty,and it'd give him all the hope in the world. Little did he know that his soulmate was watching him on a Screen not far away. Her hand gently touched the screen,looking into the boys eyes. It broke her to know he couldn't see her,she wanted him to. She knew he could be the one to pick up the pieces of her broken heart after the tragic death of her mother,and the despairing mourning that took place afterwards. She still didn't understand why her own mother would've wanted to take her own life. When there was no reason,when hope was so present in the light of things.

"What are you doing in here?"

Her father snaps as he storms to her. She gulps and struggles for words-

"I'm sorry..."
"Sit down!" He commands as she does as he tells him. Not looking at the screen,taking all her might and will-power not to do this. She just feels a large pain in her neck,gasping out from this shock "You won't remember what you saw Anna. You won't remember seeing him. That boy. Who's name,Aris Jones. May you never know him."
"Yes father," she whimpers out as her eyes softly close.

(Flashback over)

"Why do the good people keep getting hurt?" I mumble,as in hope that Anna will answer me. But she doesn't. So I cry for Harriet,who comes running to me seconds later, I curl into her arms and grab her shoulders,squeezing my nails into them.

"I lost it all!" I yell "It's all ruined.."
"No Aris," she strokes my hair "I know we've lost a lot. A lot of people have died for us to get this far. So we need to be strong. Strong like she'd be for you. I know it's hard,I know that's what love does to people."
I nod rapidly "She loved me."
"I know she did. I believe that we all fall down sometimes. And trust me,this'll hurt so freaking much,but it's all about getting back up. Falling down to stand your ground. You're going to stand for her,for Anna. Okay?"
"For Anna," I gulp.
"Let's get you to bed," she lifts me up to a small tent. Lying me down on a some-what comfy bed which I automatically crawl into. I look up and close my eyes to see the stars.

"I know you can hear me.." I whisper "Please

"I love you Aris.." I hear her voice.


But the voice doesn't come back, it was just my stupid imagination. Trying to hurt me. I couldn't sleep,not like this.

The camp is empty when I walk out, I sigh and pull up some flowers dotted around the place them find a simple spot. Which I place the flowers over,making it look as beautiful as possible,then I find sticks which I chop into lines. Making a perfect A,then an N,another N,then and A. I finish off and gently tap it,not wanting it to get ruined.

"Because I couldn't burry you like you deserved," I mutter "I'm sorry for that. I really am." I sigh and lie beside it,placing my hand on the closest stick A. Trying to pretend it's her.

"Sometimes, we must face our fears and our enemies on their ground, a place where they appear stronger but if we are well prepared, nothing can stop us. Their turf or not, success will be ours," I whisper,eyes starting to droop closed "Goodnight Anna," I let her name slip out of my mouth a few times before falling asleep

This chapters a bit crappy.. Sad to say but this story is coming to an and. Only a few chapters left :(

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