Chapter 17

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Love the photo so much 😍

"The hardest part of this is leaving you."

"ANNA!" I hear Aris scream at the top of his lungs as he runs to me. Curling me into his arms as I pant heavily,clinging onto him. Harriet just stands there,like she couldn't believe it. Well neither could I.

"We're okay.." I pant as the tears fall from my eyes,same as Aris "We're safe?"
"Yes," he nods rapidly "We are."

He places his hand lightly over my wound but only to be soaked in my blood.

"Anna please,please you can't do this."
"It's perfect, I'm the arms... My first love..." I realised he was the first person I had ever fallen in love with, and I didn't regret it a single bit "It's.. Also growing," I pull up my sleeve to reveal my bite "I'm sorry.." I whimper out,my heart breaking into a million pieces as I feel like it's slipping away from me "Don't let me become one of those things."

"I can't loose you," he cries,stroking my hair softly.
"I'm right here. I'm on your side Aris,I'm always on your side."
"Yeah.. I know,I love you."
I nod and roll my head back "Good. Now,get out of here."
"I will.. But... Listen to me Anna! I promise you you'll see me again. I promise we'll be together,I promise you.."
"You and your promises," I smile and kiss him "I love you Aris.."

At that moment everything seems to stop. I just see darkness,then the light until a figure of my mother comes into view. I run and hug her,

"It's okay sweetie," she whispers as she strokes my hair "I'm so so proud of you."
"I lost him.. Aris.." I cry.
"Listen to me," she pulls away and holds my shoulders "You'll fall in love more than once."
"I don't want to fall in love with anyone but him."
"I know, when he comes here. You'll be with him,all right,I promise you."
"He would always make promises.."
"Did he grant them?"
I nod "Every single last one..."

(Aris Point of View- it'll be like this the rest of the story)

"No!" I cry as I rock her in my arms. Her dead body limp and frail "Anna please.. I'm sorry.."

"Aris.." Harriet whimpers,gently pulling my hands away "Lie her down,close her eyes for her."

I nod and fix her hair,pulling it out from the braid as it falls down her shoulders. I kiss her soft lips then close her eyes,placing her hands over her non-beating heart. She was even more beautiful if that was possible.

"I've got you Anna.." I whisper as Harriet pulls me up slowly. Taking me away to an empty corridor,I sit myself down and pant heavily. Rocking back and forth.

"Aris is okay.. Just think about your hope."
My teeth chatter as I squeeze my eyes shut "My hope was Anna.. And I don't have hope anymore."
"Then just give it some more time. I promise it'll be okay. Be your own hope. Okay Aris?"
"Fine.. Where are we going now?"
"To find Ratman,then back to paradise. We're going to make it there,like you promised her. For her. For Anna okay?"

I stand up and stumble down the messy corridors,filled with dead Cranks and blood stained walls. All in search for Ratman,who needed to pay for what he's done. But this weight of not having her in my life crushed me down mentally every single second. Everyone keeps telling me that time heals all wounds, but no one can tell me what I'm supposed to do right now. Right now I can't sleep. It's right now that I can't eat. Right now I still hear her voice and sense her presence even though I know she's not here. Right now all I seem to do is cry. I know all about time and wounds healing, but even if I had all the time in the world, I still don't know what to do with all this hurt right now. No one compares to her, but there's no her, except in my dreams tonight. Maybe I'd see her,and maybe we'd fall in love all over again..

I am sorry for this chapter. But there is more...

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