Chapter 20

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Final chapter! :(

"It's just the beginning this isn't the end."

"Anna?" I cry as I see her standing there, looking deep into my eyes. But she doesn't seem to care. There's a mark in her stomach,where she was shot "Anna... Talk to me.."

"You killed me," she whispers and motions to her father. Lying dead "And,you killed him.."
I gulp "I didn't have a choice."
"You hurt us both Aris.. "
I shake my head as the tears stream down my face "Anna just tell me how to fix this all right?'
"Live..." She smiles as I burst awake..

I pant and gasp for air. But Harriets there,I let out a sigh of relief as she takes my hand,I squeeze it back tight. She knew it was a nightmare,I used to get them all the time.

"Is Anna safe?" I whisper.
"Yes Aris. I promise."
"I like that you promised it. Where are we going?"
"Somewhere safe this time-"
"I saw Anna in that Thomas boy," I butt into her words.
"When,you'll see her in a lot of people Aris."

I nod slowly and squeeze my eyes shut. Trying to imagine it differently.

"It should make a difference when you love someone,shouldn't it."
"Aris. Don't-'

I shake my head and storm out. There's a small cupboard,I slam the door shut and see Anna,sitting right opposite me. It was just in my head,all in my head.

"Glad I could see you," she smiles.
"You're not real."
"But I'm here."
"I guess you're right. That's all that matters."
"I can't breathe until I'm with you Aris. Remember what's that's like?"
"I really do."
"But you're safe. I had to let myself go,instead of you. I had to die for you Aris."
I gulp,looking into her eyes "Why did you do that?"
She just smiles "Because I love you."
"You'll always come back for me Anna?"
"Of course Aris."
"I had to kill your father.. I'm sorry.."
"It's okay. You don't have to apologise."
"I'm not gonna forgive myself Anna,I'm not going to do that."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I love you," I whisper as the Helicopter stops "Just answer me this,am I the only one who can see you?"
"Yes. You are."
"Good. So you're all mine,"
"Always been."

She scoots beside me,lying down with her head on my chest,sat between my legs. I can't feel much of her presence.

"The first person I've ever loved.." She says,words alike when she died in my arms "I love you Aris Jones."
"I love you too.."

"Aris come on!" I hear Harriet call. But that just makes me hold Anna even tighter.
"Aris it's okay.." Anna whispers "I'll see you again."
"You promise?"
She nods and kisses my cheek "I promise you.."

The door bursts open and Harriet picks me up,swinging me over her shoulder. I squeeze my eyes shut and cling onto her. For once we could be safe,but I was more scared than I've ever been before. I had to have Anna. I needed Anna. To make me better. It's all I could think about,through my sleep until I woke up. Looking up at Harriet who smiles,stroking my hair.

"Hey," she whispers "You okay?"
I nod slowly "Can I tell you something?"
"Anything Aris."
"I spoke to Anna before."
"Oh.. Okay-"
"You don't believe me do you?"
"I.. Just think,don't get your hopes up."
"Trust me,I'm not."
"Aris,let's go-"

She takes my arm and slowly brings me to an open place. I shake my head and look around.

"What is it?" She asks.
"I'm not sure Anna likes it here."
"Aris,she would've loved it. Just being with you."
"You don't know her.."
"We're safe Aris. So's she."

She nods to a large wall,with a few names on. The ones who had made it,officially marked onto the rock. Harriet smiles as the writes her name on the wall with the knife then hands it to me. I sigh and write mine,hesitating for a few seconds before writing Anna underneath. I smile and see her beside me as she squeezes my hand.

"She'd be with us," Harriet says.
I nod and smile-

"She still is."

The end.

Wow guys. I just wanted to say how amazing all you have been to stick with this story. Thank you for all the votes and kind/supportive comments. You're all amazing. Thank you for reading! Love you all!!!

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