Chapter 6

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I have about 20 views but I really hope you guys like this story so far. As much as I enjoy writing it!

I burst awake and clutch myself tight. Where the hell was I? I try to get words out but nothing comes through. My brain seems to be pounding,then ticking in some kind of rhythm over and over. I cry and smash my hands over my head but that just appears to make it worse. I pull them away as Aris cradles me. Rocking my body in his arms.

"Come on Anna," he cries and strokes my hair back from my face,I see the tears in his eyes too "Hey,come on it's okay. It'll be okay,just fight for me.."

My breathing becomes swallow and I gasp and gulp out,clenching my fingers into one another. Trying to think of hope,but keeping my eyes open. Because my hope was sitting right next to me.

"You're strong.." He smiles as his lips smash to mine. My eyes open wide for a split-few seconds but I find comfort and just hold them there,closing my eyes as he cups my cheeks. Pulling away as I look into his eyes,breathing out three simple fixed breaths.

"You.. Kissed.. Me.." I whisper.
He nods "I was told by a girl in my old group that holding your breath helped."
"My first kiss," I gently skim my fingers across my lips. I felt this magical feeling inside of me,a tingle and a reason to smile.
He takes my hands and squeezes them "Mine too.."
I nod and bite my lip "It was perfect. Thank you."
"Don't have to thank me Anna.."
"Just tell me where we are?"
"Almost at the camp."

I smile and hug him tight- "Tonight we'll be safe," he kisses my cheek "That's a promise."
"You make so many promises Aris. Can you promise me something else?"
"To kiss me again.. When we get there."
He nods and smiles "That's guaranteed."

We keep on walking until we reach a large canyon-

"Where the hell!?" Aris mutters as I hear a Gunshot. I scream and we jump under some rubble,until someone grabs us. A Crank. Screaming heavily as it claws at me.

"STAY AWAY!" Aris roars as he shoots it off. I shiver as another life fades into a memory. He tunes to me and pulls me close "We're okay.." He whispers,panting as I feel the tears stream down his face because his heart could no longer handle the pain.
"We are.." I gulp and close my eyes,whimpering out "Am I dying,is that was this is?"
"No Anna. You're surviving.."

I curl up with my head on his shoulder,looking out onto the canyon. For this point of the journey,neither of us seemed to be scared.

"Here.." Aris pulls out a rock from his pocket "It was from the trial they put me in. Makes me remember,all those lives,all my friends."

I nod and hold it close to me-

"Were you in love with any of those girls,or boys.. In your trials or back home?"
"No," he shakes his head and looks down "I don't think so."
"Does it hurt to be in love with someone?"
"No. If they love you back it doesn't."
"How would you know?"
He shrugs "To be honest I don't. I'm like you. Still learning to love,just starting to crawl. But Anna.. If you die. I'd have nothing.."
"Aris," I sigh.
"I would. I'd go out of my mind.. Have you ever been in love?"
"What does if truly feel like Aris?"
"Like.. You see them in others,everywhere you go. Your heart speeds up,and you cannot contain yourself until you're with them. Holding them,loving them."
"You know a lot. Who's the crush?"
"You.." He smiles and squeezes my hand "It's always been you.."

I stroke his cheek and push his lips to mine. Kissing passionately for a few miuntes until we pull away,our foreheads rest against each other's... If this was a love story the Flare wouldn't exist,the world wouldn't be broken,and we'd get a happy ending.. And for some reason even with Aris,there was a fear that everything was about to get worse.

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