Chapter 11

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"Life can't be cured,but it can be managed."

I sit there on a cliff,the rain pouring down. Sticking my clothes to my body. Right here,right now I couldn't feel the mark. I couldn't feel myself turning insane. Maybe it was just getting ready to pounce.

"Here," Harriet sits beside,handing me some bread "Thought you could be hungry. And Aris wanted you to have this," she hands me a folded up piece of paper.

I really was "Thanks," I mumble and eat it slowly,tucking the piece of paper into my pocket "Hey.. Can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"Does Aris still love me?"
"More than ever Anna. Look right here,now I'm no expert but love doesn't fly away after one little bad fight. It takes ages to go away, but first love. That'll never be forgotten."
"How would?-"
"Minho. He was this guy,I knew before all of this, lost him. He must've been killed, but yeah. Now I know nothing about him-Age,looks,personality. I only know his name."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm just telling you to treasure his love. Promise me you'll do that?"
"I'm fed up of agreeing to promises.."
"Just this one."
"You should get some sleep Anna,"

I walk down and across the camp. But someone grabs me,I'm gagged as I kick about. Worry making me sick as I black out, aware of nothing....

...... Time skip....

I wake up in a room. I must've been here before, it isn't where my father is. It's where Aris kissed me. When I had an attack of panic. I gulp as I see a young boy storm towards me,black hair swiped across his forehead,numbers of piercings on his lip and ears. I blink a few times as he kneels down beside me.

"They're looking for you," he smirks "I won't let them. Ah.. What I could do,don't worry I don't mean like that, I could break your father. Who killed my family,selfish little bastard he is. Don't you agree?"

"Yes..." I whimper out.
He nods and shakes my hand "I'm Max."
"Before you get mad,I wasn't the one who took you. It was one of my allies."
"I need to go back. My friend,he'll worry like crazy. Please."
"No can do amigo. You're part of our team now."
"Let's suit you up,"

He takes me to a large dormitory. Empty. I keep my clothes on,tying my hair up as he hands me a gun and a sash of long,thick bullets. I shake my head. Why did he want me?

"We shoot the Cranks for fun," Max says.
"I'm not doing that.."
"Okay," he shrugs "You do know that you fight for us now?"
"Yeah. I get it," I see on one of the doors a photo of my father,darts shouted onto it,I sigh and walk closer "I miss him an awful lot.."
"Why did you run?"
"I fell in love."
"With who?"
"I'm not telling you. I don't want him getting hurt."
"Trust me,this place is so good compared to what's out there."
"You don't have to say it like that. I've seen it all."
"Yes," I sit down and remember the paper. I sigh and pull it out,hands shaking as I open it. It's from Aris of course.

I'll love you forever.

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