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"I-I'm pregnant? Again?" Emily asked for verification.

"Yes Emily, you are pregnant and you have been for 9 weeks," he informed her.

"H-How is that even possible. We used condoms and when we didn't he pulled out," she was freaking out.

"Baby, this stuff happens all of the time," I sighed as I buckled Kyler in.

"This doesn't affect you?" She asked.

"Baby, of coarse it does but I don't see what's so wrong. We love each other and want kids together," I pointed out.

"Yeah but I'm not ready to carry a baby in me for another nine months, Jason."

"Baby. I know it comes with a lot of pain but you can do it," I stood up and walked over to her.

She nodded her head and sighed, "I guess I'm gonna have to," she looked at Kyler and a small smile appeared on her face, "it would be nice to have another mini me or mini you running around wouldn't it?"

"Exactly what I'm saying," I smile and gave her lips two quick pecks before we headed home.

"Okay..." She sighed as we lied in bed that night, "nine weeks. That is two months and a week. God how did we not know sooner?" She asked as she lifted her shirt. Now that we know I can notice a little baby bump forming.

"You just weren't showing any signs," I sighed and rubbed her stomach.

"Throwing up was a sign," she pointed out.

"That could be a sign of anything baby," I chuckled.

"I have a little bump already," she groaned, "so not ready to become fat again."

Chuckling I cuddle up to her, "must suck huh?"

"Oh shut up," she laughed and we fell asleep in each others warm arms; safe and sound.

A:N - I'm so excited the second book is starting!!! Yay! Thank you to everyone who has supported this book since the very beginning, I know I don't say it enough but I really do appreciate it!

Xoxo - Alexa!

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