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"Kyler," I said in a warning voice, "what did daddy tell you about getting into things?"

Walking towards him, I pick him up and grab Emily's socks from his hands, "stay out of the laundry," I warned.

I carried him into the kitchen and sat him down in his high chair before getting out a can of baby food.

"Mangos?" I asked and held up the jar, "do you wanna try it?"

"Da da!" He cheered and through his hands up before slapping them down.

"Yeah," I laughed and sat down in front of him, "want a bite?"

I fed him the jar then made him a bottle with six ounces and fed it to him, "are you tired?" I asked and laughed as he fought his sleep. He acts as if he'll never wake up again.

"Go to sleep," I whispered than lied him down.

I walked into Emily and I's room to see her sitting on the bed bawling her eyes out, "baby what's wrong?" I asked and walked up to her.

"M-My....oh my god," she cried and shook her head, "I can't believe it. How cou-uld this h-happe-en?"

"What happened baby? Tell me what happened and I'll make it better, I promise."

"You can't make it better," she cried and shook her head.

"Baby what are you talking about?" I grabbed her knee, "tell me what is wrong."

"My-My dad was driving home from work and he...a semi hit him straight on. He's d-dead J-J-Jas-on," she hiccuped.

Her dad died...

A:N - this story is about to take a drastic turn!!!!!

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