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Throwing my phone in my purse as I slip my shoes on, I yell towards Ryan, "my mom is on her way, Ryan! She'll watch the babies!"

"Okay, I got it," I heard him call from the living room as I shut the front door.

The drive to the hospital was hectic. My hands shook as my nerves numbed my whole body. Why did this have to happen to Jason?

"Jason McCann!" I yelled as I ran into the lobby, "where's Jason McCann?!"

     "Emily! Over here," I hear Patties voice yell causing me to look in every direction until I spot her running down a hallway to my left towards me.

     I take off running towards her until we meet and she grabs my arm to drag me with her, "we have to wait in this waiting room," she had tears in her eyes.

     "What?! No! I need to see him," I looked around for a nurse or a doctor but no one was around.

     "Emily, he's in surgery. The best we can do right now is wait and pray. God has a plan," she calmed me but it didn't work very well. The man I love, the father of my children is...I'm not even gonna say it.

     "What if he doesn't make it?" I sobbed and sat down. I pulled at my hair to relieve some of the pain but nothing was working.

     "EMILY!" Someone yelled and I looked up to see Ryan running towards us.

     "Ryan, where is Noah and Kyler?" I freaked out and set my mind on them for a moment.

     "Your mom showed up," he pulled me into a much needed hug.

     I immediately began to sob, "I'm so scared Ryan. What if something happens?"

     "No what ifs," he whispered in my ear and rubbed my back, "he'll be fine, Emily. He's a strong person, you know that right?"

     Nodding my head with confidence, I let out a small and barely edible chuckle to shake off some nerves.

     I sit down and look around the waiting room to see everyone staring at Ryan and I. I just ignored their stares since they don't know what's going on.

"Family of Jason McCann," a nurse walked out. As soon as his name left her tongue, I was up on my feet and rushing towards her with Ryan and Pattie close behind.

"Is he okay?" I asked as I stood in front of her making her smile.

"He is okay," she smiled a small smile before getting serious again, "but...we are going to have to do some tests' to see if the impact from the car crash hurt his brain and memory at all."

"Can I see him?" I hesitantly asked. Why am I so nervous about seeing him?

"Yes, about visitors. He is asking for...Emily?"

"That is me," I smiled and stepped forward a little. I smiled because he wants me. I'm the first person he thought of.

"Okay then," she smiled, "follow me."

"Right in here," the nurse smiled at me and opened the door to Jason's room for me.

"Thank you," I nod my head and give her a sad smile. I just want to see my Jason.

When I walked in, I stopped in my tracks as I saw the love of my life lying on the hospital bed.

"Emily," he let out a painful, yet happy smile, "c'mere baby."

I walked towards him and grabbed his hand, "are you okay? You're not in any pain, are you?"

Slowly shaking his head, he looked up at me, "just a few broken ribs. I got lucky."

Nodding my head, I sit down on the chair that's behind me and clear my throat, "do you want my mom to bring Kyler and Noah?"


I froze and looked up at him. All of the color drained out of my face as I replayed the nurses head.

We are going to have to do some tests' to see if the impact from the car crash hurt his brain and memory at all.

"O-Our son..." I studied his reaction.

"Uhm," he looked away feeling ashamed and embarrassed.

"He looks like me baby," I smiled to make him feel better, "black hair and brown eyes. He has my nose and my cheeks. He's small - I just gave birth to him?"

"Oh!" Something clicked in his mind and he suddenly got very cheerful, "Noah Allen McCann."

"Yeah," I smile and nod.

"I'm sorry," he looked away as his cheeks turned a bright pink.

"It's okay baby, you're just shaken up," I assured him but I can't help but let my feelings get hurt. How could he remember Kyler but not Noah?

"Yeah, I want to see them," he smiled and let his dimple show.

Please lord don't let anything be wrong with him.

A:N - POOR JASON *silently cries*

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