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I had this book in Jason's point of view to show how he felt about Emily and the whole dad situation but for the rest of the book it's going back to Emily's! :)

"Okay class," I spoke for the first time to my first class in Honors Language Arts, "since it's the first day, I'm not going to make you do anything, sound fair?" They all agreed, "cool cool."

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"How about ditch?" A guy in the back of the class spoke up. He had a football jacket on and looked like the popular type.

"Mr...?" I spoke and walked towards him.

"My name is Mark. Mark Parker," he sat back and smirked.

I slowly nodded my head with a smirk, "go ahead. Leave."

"Wait, your serious?" He questioned.

"Completely," I nodded my head.

"Sweet," he got up and started walking towards the door.

"This is the only time I'm allowing it, Mark."

"Sounds good to me," he smirked and walked out.

"Does that mean I can ditch too?" A girl that looked like a complete slut asked.

"No," I said bluntly, making a few other students snicker.

"Okay, you guys can get on your phone or talk just don't be too loud 'cuz I'm sure other classes are actually learning," I chuckled walked towards my desk. This will be fun.

"How'd your first day as a teacher go?" Jason asked as I walked through the front door. The smell of spaghetti instantly hitting my nose.

"Perfect," I smiled, "literally everyone loves me. No joke."

"I bet," Jason smirked and grabbed my ass.

I laughed and slapped his hand away, "stop," I spoke sternly with a smile in my face.

"Whatevs," he tsked and walked towards the kitchen.

"Did you cook dinner?" I asked and followed him.

"Yup," he smiled feeling proud of himself.

"Thank you babe," I kissed his lips and hugged him.

"No problem, I love you."

"I love you too," I pecked his lips again.

Kyler came crawling in and started tugging on my legs, "Ma Ma!"

"Hi baby!" I cheered and picked him up, "I missed you so much!"

"Ma Ma!" He cheered again with the biggest smile on his face.

"Is my baby hungry?" I asked and set him in his high chair.

I started feeding him yogurt and apple sauce, "yummy," I smiled and talked to him.

"Our appointment is tomorrow," Jason reminded me. We are going to see what we are having.

"I know," I smiled and cleaned Kyler off before setting him down on the floor to do whatever he pleases, "I'm excited."

"Me too," Jason gave me my plate of dinner.

A:N - please comment what you think the baby is!!

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