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The second time around is even worse than the first time. You'd think that I'd be use to this feeling but it only feels worse.

"Why do you think it hurts worse than last time," Dr. Palmer tried to talk me through it. He explained that the process will never be pain free but it shouldn't get worse.

"I don't know," I sobbed and grabbed onto the side of the bed as another contraction hit me.

"Dr you have to do something," Jason was freaking out. He tried to grab my hand but I pushed him away. It seemed like any human contact made this whole process worse.

"Okay, we're gonna put this in you?" Dr. Palmer held up a long stick with a black ball at the end, "this black ball is a camera so we will be able to see what is going on."

Nodding my head, I agreed. Anything to take the pain away. Little did I know, the thinnest stick ever, would hurt me even more. I screamed out in pain making Jason yell at the doctor like he's crazy.

The camera showed what was going on inside of me and I could see my baby getting closer and closer to the screen.

"Get nurses in here, now!" Dr. Palmer ushered and ripped the stick out of me before making me get in position for birth.

"What's going on?" I cried.

"Your baby is stuck and isn't even in your stomach anymore," he rushed his words.

"I'm only four centimeters dilated I can't give birth!"

"Your gonna have to deal with it. The baby is too far down to give an emergency c-section."

"She hasn't even had an epidural," Jason spat towards the Dr.

"And she won't have one," the Dr. Put gloves on, "this needs to happen if you want your baby to live. You're having a normal birth."

"Push!" Dr. Palmer spoke then counted to ten. When he was done counting, I lied back and gasped for air. Note to all women, get an epidural.

"About three more pushes," Dr. Palmer spoke again and counted to ten.

"Aghhhh!" I screamed as the most excruciating pain shot through me.

"J-Jason," I pleaded and looked around. When I found him right by me I started crying and shook my head, "I can't Jason. I can't do this," my body went limp and I gave up.

"No! Emily, Emily! You need to push baby! You need to keep pushing he's almost out baby you need - to - keep - pushing!"

"I can't," I sobbed and shook my head, my body still lifeless.

"Emily," Dr. Palmer shouted, "he is losing oxygen!"

Lifting myself up on my elbows, I look down and see the tip of my sons head. Something inside of me lit up and I sat myself up before sucking in the biggest breath I could get and pushed, hoping and praying my baby would make it.

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