21 (mature)

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Thirteen days later

     "BABY! Wake up!" I here Jason's voice yell in my sleep. All of the sudden, the bed starts to bounce up and down making me groan and look up to see Jason and Kyler jumping on the bed.

     "Mommy! It you birfday!" He cheered and jumped on me making me groan with a smile. I turned over as he lied out on me and laughed.

     "Thank you baby!"

     "How old are you, Mommy?" Kyler asked as Jason lied down beside of us also.

     "Twenty-one," I smile and rubbed his be hair out of his eyes.

     "Old?" He tilted his head to the side in a questioning matter.

     I giggled and looked over at Jason to see him hiding his smile, "yes baby, old."

     "Don't you worry guys, we are gonna take good care of your babies. Go and have some fun," Pattie smiled at us as she stood beside of my mom.

     "Okay," I smiled and kissed both of their cheeks, "love you guys."

     "We love you too. Now go have fun!"

     "Not too much fun," my mom added making me laugh.

     I sighed as Jason and I walked towards my car since he still hasn't gotten his Range Rover fixed.

     Jason grabbed my hand and started swinging our arms back and forth, "you're twenty-one baby!"

     I scoffed and looked at him with a smile, "don't remind me."

     "Come on! That's not old! You're finally able to drink and party. That's exactly what we're doing this weekend by the way."

     Nodding my head as I got in the passenger seat of my car. I buckled myself and pulled out my phone to text my mom some information about Noah and his eating schedule.

     "I know what you're doing. No phones and no kids. Just us, baby."

     I locked my phone and looked at him, "sorry."

     He laughed and watched the road, "it's okay baby. Now let's have fun," he said as he approached what looked like the woods.

"You're not bringing me out here to kill me are you?" I laughed and cautiously looked around.

"No," he laughed in shock, "I love you too much."

"Okay, good."

"C'mon, let's go," he smiled and we exited the car.

We met in the front of the car and Jason grabbed my hand before leading me to the woods.

After about ten minutes walking through the woods I stopped and looked around, "are you sure you're not planning to kill me? This is awfully far."

"Baby," he laughed and picked me up bridal style, "I'll carry you the rest of the way. About two minutes left of walking."

I looked at him and smiled, "I love you," I giggled at the end.

"And you know I love you. Shh...enjoy the woods," he whispered the last part.

"Okay weirdo," I giggled and looked forward.

"We're here," he said after a while and set me down where a blanket and picnic basket was set out.

"This is perfect," I smiled and sat down.

"I tried to make it perfect baby."

"I know I've said it a lot but I love you," I smiled and he bent down to kiss me.

"I love you too. Now open the picnic basket."

I opened the picnic basket and saw a big purple box about the size of the picnic basket in it. I looked up at Jason and gave him a confused look.

"Take the box out and open it," he informed as he sat criss-cross apple sauce across from me.

I did as he said and scoffed when I saw a smaller purple box in the big one. I kept opening them until I came to the smallest box there is. I opened it and saw a paper taped to the top and bottom of the case, covering whatever was behind it.

Will you marry me?

That's what the paper read and at the bottom it said, rip this paper in half.

I did as it said and inside I saw the most beautiful engagement ring I have ever seen. I looked up at Jason and saw him on one knee with the biggest smile spread across his face.

"Yes yes yes yes yes! A million times yes!" I jumped into his arms and he lied back on the ground. He rolled us over and smiled down at me.

"I love you so much," I started crying and kissed his lips to show him how much I appreciate him.

     "I love you too," he rolled us over and started unzipping my dress.

     I slid it off of me and started to slowly undo all of the buttons on his plaid shirt.

     I pulled his pants and Calvin Klein's down at the same time and smiled at him, "no teasing like you normally do."

      "I'm not going to baby," he whispered and entered me.

     I moaned out in pleasure. As he began to thrust, I wrapped my arms around his neck and when I finally opened my eyes, I saw a glare shine behind his head.

     I tilted my head a little and saw the beautiful glare of my wedding ring, signaling the love that we have for each other, no matter what happened in the past.

      "I'm cumming," I whined and looked in his eyes.

     We both came and he collapsed on me, whispering how much he loved and cherished me.

A:N - this is the last chapter of this book BUT there is a third book! Love you guys!!!!

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