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     "It's okay," I whispered as Emily and I sat down on the couch. We just returned from her fathers funeral and to say she was sad was an understatement. She's already suffering from depression which isn't good at all since we have a baby on the way.

     "N-No it's not," she whispered for the hundredth time, "Kyler won't remember him and he'll never be able to meet the baby."

     "That's okay baby. You still have stories to tell and...," what am I supposed to say? What do you say to someone in this position?

     "It hurts," she whispered and put her head on my shoulder as I gave her a tight hug.

     "I know baby but you can't not eat. The baby needs to stay healthy. You need to be thinking about the baby," I reminded her.

      "I-I kno-ow," She whispered, "I mi-miss him."

     "I know baby..." I began to cry. It's heartbreaking to know that what I say won't help her and this situation. I can't make her feel better for the first time in forever.

     "I'm s-sorry," she said and leaned back to wipe her tears.

     "Don't be," I smiled and kissed a tear away on her cheek, "I love you."

     "I love you too," a light smile formed on her lips but I could tell it was forced. Where is my Emily?

     "Emily," I sighed as I sat on the corner of our bed. It's been a week since the funeral and she won't eat, she won't sleep, and she won't move, "c'mon baby."

     "No," she muttered.

     She looked terrible. Dark circles under her eyes, her hair tossed everywhere, her skin a pale white. I hate seeing her like this.

     "You need to eat," my voice became even more stern.

     "I don't want to," her voice raspy.

     "I don't really care what you want to do at this point. I have some soup, sit up."

     Slowly shaking her head, her eyes stay on the white wall. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes and I sniffled making her look at me for a nanosecond before she looked back at the wall, "it hurts to see you like this," I whispered.

"It hurts to feel like this," she retorted.

"I can only imagine," I whispered.

     Again, she ignored me as I stood up before walking out. I pulled my phone out an found Dr. Palmer's number. He's my only option left.

     "Jason," his warm voice answers the phone, "what's up?" He must not be at work.

     "It's Emily," I cried into the phone.

     "What about Emily?" His voice became serious.

     "Her father died a week ago and she won't sleep, eat, o-or even talk to me. What do I do?"

     "I'll stop by tomorrow afternoon," he informed me, "the least you can do is get her to eat. She has a baby growing inside of her that can't survive without nutrition."

     "What will you do for her?" It had to be asked.

     "Probably just some anti-depresents," he said and I nodded my head.

     "Okay, thanks Dr."

     "No problem," he said, "keep your girl healthy."

     "Will do," my shaky voice answered.

     Please come back to me Emily...

A:N - GUYS SO MUCH PLANNED FOR THIS BOOOOOOK YAYYYY! Love u! I also have all of the chapters written already:| sorry not sorry!!

Xoxo - Alexa!

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