10 (mature)

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     "Emily and Jason McCann?" The nurse called us back.

     "Did they just call me Emily McCann?" I whispered as we stood up.

     "Yup," Jason smirked.

     We dropped Kyler off with my mom so we could get in and out of the doctors office. I had a long day at my first actual day as a teacher and my feet hurt like hell. Of coarse it's expected due to me being sixth months pregnant but it still hurts. Surprisingly, my back hasn't been hurting me.

     "Okay, this is going to be cold," Dr. Palmer spoke as he squirted the gel onto my stomach.

     He started up the monitor and the pictures of our baby showed up. It's very small.

     "It's very small," Dr. Palmer pointed out, "but it looks like you are having a boy. See right there, that's the penis. Do you want any pictures printed out today?" He gave me paper towels to clean myself off.

     Jason nodded and we got ready to leave.

     "Another boy?" My mom questioned with a big smile on her face.

     Nodding my head, I also smile, "yeah."

     "How many kids do you guys plan on having?" My mom asked as she fed Kyler baby food.

     "Five," I answered and made funny faces at Kyler making him giggle.

     "Five?!" My mom became alert.

     "Yeah mom, five."

     "If you're so sure..." She trailed off.

     "We are sure," Jason picked Kyler up out of his high chair and cleaned him up, "Emily, shall we go?"

     Sighing and nodding my head, I quickly stand up and we get everything around before leaving.

"I'm sick and tired of her acting like that," Jason spat as I drove us home.


"What Emily? Every time we are there she asks us something and acts as if our answer is out of the world," he spat.

"I know but I can't help it," I tried to defend myself.

"You could at least stand up for us," he spat and let go of my hand, "I forbid her to see Kyler."

"Jason," I said in another warning voice.

"What?" He looked at me, "I'm tired of it-"

"Okay, just drop I-"

"No! I'm not dropping it! We are adults, Emily! We do what the fuck we - want - to - do!"

"Okay..." I whispered and pulled into our drive way.

Jason grabbed Kyler's car seat and I got his diaper bag before we unlocked the front door and entered our house.

I don't get why he is taking this out on me. If it weren't for what's going on with my mom dealing with my father right now then I would be okay with Jason telling her what she can and can't say to us but it's just not called for right now. He is being a baby over the situation. Why should he care what she thinks? I sure don't, I want five kids with him and my mom can't change that.

I gave Kyler a bath before feeding him a cereal bottle and lying him down to sleep.

I sat in the living room and watched t.v. Jason hasn't even spoken to me since our fight and that makes me sad. Yeah, it's non of my moms business what we want to do with our personal life but there's nothing I can do right now. That doesn't mean I can't do something later on if it continues. He takes things too personal.

"Emily?" Jason walked into the living room and sat down beside of me, "I'm sorry."

"It okay, Jason," but it's not.

     "No it's not," he placed his palm on my cheek and turned my face to look him in the eye, "it's not, Emily. What your mom said had nothing to do with you. We love each other and that's all that matters."

     Slowly nodding my head, I lean over and kiss his lips. He moans against them and pushes me back against the couch before hovering over me, "is Kyler asleep?"

     Nodding my head, I lift my hips to grind against him, making him moan into my mouth again. I missed this so much.

     "God," he groaned and pulled my pajama shorts off of me along with my underwear.

     "Don't tease Jason," I warned ahead of time.

     "I'm not going to baby, it's been too long. I need you," I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even realize that he has gotten naked.

     He slowly entered me making my body jolt forward in pleasure and surprise, "fuck."

     "Yeah, I know baby. I missed this so much," he started thrusting. The whole time he was looking in my eyes, trying to show me how much I meant to him. And I understand, I understand how much I mean to him now. He'd die if he lost me. And so would I. The feelings mutual.

     "Your not as big as last time," Jason groaned and looked at my stomach, "makes this easier."

     I laughed and moaned at the same time, making an awful noise which brought a smile to Jason's face, "I love you so much," he whispered in my ear and started sucking on my neck.

     Everything he was doing was making it harder and harder for me to hold on to my climax. He was whispering sweet words to me while sucking on my neck and rubbing my stomach with his hand. He is driving me crazy.

     "Oh," my voice became higher, "Jason...fuck, Jason!"

     I've never felt anything like this. It was pain mixed with pleasure. What is this feeling?

     Tears started building up in my eyes from this intense feeling and a smile spread across my face, "I love you so much," I sobbed and pulled Jason's face down to wrap him in a deep and passionate kiss.

     A low groan built up in his throat and his eyes became darker letting me know that he is almost there, "fuck, Emily! You need to let go, Baby. I can't hold it any longer," his body started to shake and his thrust became sloppier.

     "I-I don't want too," I whispered and grabbed onto his hips to help him steady his thrusts, "I don't want this moment to end."

     "Well, it's gonna have too," his raspy voice spoke, "we have our whole life's to have more moments like this. Please cum baby."

    His thumb reached down in between our bodies and started rubbing my clit in furious circles, "fuck!" I yelled and came, making Jason cum too.

     He collapsed on top of me but didn't put all of his weight on me due to the baby bump.

     I wiped my tears away and kissed Jason's head, trying to show him how much I appreciate him.

     I love him so much.

A:N - best sex scene eveeeer!

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