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     Today Kyler is nine months old and I have officially been eight months pregnant for two weeks now. That means I can pop at any time and I'm incredibly excited. So is Jason, it's amazing.

     "Kyler," I called out while searching the house for him. I was doing the dishes while he was sitting there playing and when I look back at him, he's suddenly not there. That's the bad thing about him crawling, he can never hold still and stay in one spot.

"Kyler," I called out and walked into the living room to see him messing with Jason's toes while he slept on the couch, "no no. Not mess with Da Da."

"Da Da!" Kyler cheered and started chewing on his toes.

"No!" I whisper yelled and quickly ran towards him before picking him up while laughing, "you can't chew on daddy's feet."

Tears welled up in Kyler's eyes and he started hysterically bawling, "baby...don't cry."

"Mmm..." Jason groaned and slowly sat up. He looked around for a minute before his eyes fell on a crying Kyler and me trying to calm him down, "what's wrong."

"He was chewing on your toes and I told him he couldn't," Jason's eyes widened and he stood up with a smile on his face.

He grabbed Kyler out of my arms and held him on his hip, "baby boy, you can't chew on daddy's toes. That's nasty."

"Wanna take a bath and play with toys?" Jason asked and looked at me as if asking for permission.

"I don't care. You can give him a bath, you're his parent too," I laughed a kissed his lips and Kyler's forehead.

"Give him one with me."

"I have to do the dishes..." I trailed off and looked towards the kitchen.

"Baby, you're always cleaning. You need to relax. You're eight and a half months pregnant."

Sighing with a nod, Jason cheers making Kyler giggle, "Ma Ma!"

Kyler copied Jason and cheered towards me, "Ma Ma!"

"Stop splashing me," I yelled as Jason sat in the the bathtub with his underwear still on and Kyler completely naked. Don't ask me, my boys are weird.

"Say no Mommy!" Jason yelled back and splashed me again, "now wash my hair."

"Do it yourself," I laughed as I washed the soap off of Kyler's body while he played with his toy cars.

"No," he crossed his arms and stuck his bottom lip out in a pouting manner.

"Oh my god," I groaned and leaned over to get the shampoo and conditioner before washing his hair for him, "is that good?"

"Yep. Perfect," he smirked.

"Good," I grabbed Kyler's baby towel and got him out before carrying him to our room and lying him down on the bed. I walked over to the basket of clean cloths and got out a sleeper and diaper for him. When I turned around he was sliding off the bed and started crawling towards the door, "Kyler!"

I caught up to him and picked him up before laughing at him, "stop running away from me," I laughed.

"Da Da!" He whined and started kicking his naked legs as I lied him back down in the bed. I put lotion on him before dressing him up and brushing his hair.

"All ready for bed!" I cheered and gave him the biggest bear hug. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"I love you," I cooed.

Of coarse he didn't answer but that didn't bother me because he showed it all of the time. He was born loving Jason and I.

I rocked him to sleep and put him down before walking back to my room to see Jason lying down already. He was scrolling through Instagram and liking pictures.

I lied down and Jason turned towards me and smiled, "I love you," he whispered and pecked my lips.

"I love you too."

A:N - just a cute little family chapter!!

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