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     As I was shaking Kyler's bottle up there was a knock on the front door. My nerves immediately began to settle in and my hands begin to sweat. This is it.

     I put Kyler down in his play pin in the living room before walking to the door and opening it.

    My nerves literally ate me alive as I slowly unlocked the door. The lock made a sound, a clicking sound that seemed to trigger everything in my head. It was like a gun exploding all of my worries everywhere.

     The door swung open and I looked up to see a woman that I resembled so much. I had never noticed before but I'm a complete remake of her. Tears were already in her eyes and her skin was a pale color with red blotches in it to signal her nervousness, "Jason?" She whispered.

     I slowly nodded my head and invited her in. As her foot stepped across the door frame, it seemed as if little pieces of me started to fall back together. Perhaps she is what I always needed and maybe, she was just broken. Maybe, the man that I will never give the satisfaction of being labeled my father brainwashed her and drugged her. Lord knows it's possible.

"Hi mom," you couldn't wipe the smile off of my face even if you tried. Sorry.

"Hi son," she sobbed out and pulled me into a tight embrace. This hug was the glue to the broken pieces.

Before I knew it, I was crying on her shoulder as she whispered that everything is going to be alright. I actually believed her, too. For once in my life, I believed the woman that at one point had beaten me and ordered a man to beat me many many many times.

     Suddenly, a loud 'Da Da,' came from the living room and my moms ears perked up before her eyes became big. With a smile on my face, I grab her hand and greedily pull her into the living room. When Kyler spots me, an immediate smile comes to his face and he screams, "Da Da!"

     My mom laughs behind me and steps in front of me. She grabbed his little hand and started talking baby language to him, making him laugh.

     "He looks just like you," her voice was a whisper. Barely audible but I still heard her and a smile showed up on my face.

     "Emily says that all of the time," I let her know.

     "Who's Emily?" She turned around and walked towards the couch before sitting down. I pick up a couple of Kyler's toys before setting them down in his play pin so he wouldn't get board.

     "My girlfriend," I smiled.

     "Oh! I just remembered what you said in the letter," my mom became excited, "you guys are expecting another baby?"

     I smiled, "yeah. Uhm, she's five months along."

     "What is she having?"

     "We don't...exactly know," I hesitated. Does Emily want her to know this? Emily doesn't even know she is here. What will she think?

     "Whys that?"

     "Emily's dad died about...a week after we found out she was pregnant and...she became very depressed. She had a meeting with the school board this morning and she finally stepped a foot out of our room for the first time today in three months," I explained.

     "Did she eat?"

     Slowly shaking my head 'no' I looked away in emberacment. Why am I embarrassed?

     "She's okay now though, right?" My mom questioned.

     "I hope so, yeah," I let out a nervous chuckle.

     "Well good," she smiled as Kyler cooed incoherent words to himself.

     "Da Da!" He cheered and stood on his hands and knees.

     "What baby boy?" I asked and stood up to pick him up. I sat back down on the couch and he sat on my lap.

     "Ba Ba!"

     "Okay," I smiled and went to hand him to my mom, "want him?"

     "Uh...sure," she was unsure.

     "Are you sure?" I asked.

     "Yeah," she smiled and took him from me. They immediately bonded.

     While I was making Kyler a bottle, Emily walked into the kitchen and leaned against the counter beside of me.

     "Hey babe," I kissed her forehead.

     "Hi," she gave me a quick smile, "who is that lady in the living room holding our kid?"

     "Uhm..." I looked away, "that's my mom."

     Her eyes perked up and she suddenly became interested, "your mom?"

     "Uh huh."

     "U-Uhm...I wasn't aware that you guys were talking," she furrowed her eyebrows.

     "We weren't but now we are. This is the first time I've seen her since I was thirteen."


     "Is something wrong?" I asked.

     "No I was just wondering," she grabbed Kyler's bottle from me and walked into the living room.

She kindly asked for Kyler and my mom gave him over while introducing herself as well as Emily. I smiled. This is what family feels like.

I sat beside of my mom and we both watched Emily as she fed Kyler his bottle. Of coarse Kyler kept grabbing the bottle from her and I think she was getting frustrated because she hasn't spent any time with him for two months and she just wanted to do it.

"Emily," my mom smiled causing her to look up with a smile, "what did you have a meeting for today?"

"Oh, it wasn't necessarily a meeting. I just had to go and set up my class room at the East Noble High School," Emily explained while burping the baby.

"Oh," my mom nodded, "what grade?"

"Senior," my mom smiled even bigger.

"That's great."

"Thanks," Emily looked happy which made me happy.

My family is back.

A:N - but is it really Jason?

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