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Helping Jason out of my car, I walk him into the living room and set him down on the couch, "you need to rest baby."

Not being able to do things on his own was making him really frustrated which made him take it out on me, "I can walk by myself."

"I know you can, baby. I just wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt."

"I'm not handy cap and I'm not dying," his words made me frown as I sigh and walk out of the living room.

I was just trying to help, I thought to myself as I carried Noah's car seat up to my room for him to sleep. I'm not even risking the chance of waking him up just to put him in his crib.

Kyler is at my moms since I need to focus on Jason right now. On the other hand, Noah needs me to feed him and everything so he needs to be with me.

"Jason?" I call out as I head towards the living room, "baby are you hungry?"

"I'm fine," he grumbles and struggles to lie down straight.

My instincts kick in and I rush towards him to help, "God dammit Emily, I'm fine!" He bellowed making me stumble back in surprise.

Nodding my head, I shy away, "sorry," I whisper.

"Well," he scoffed, "I love you but I can do things on my own!"

"I know. I said I'm sorry," tears pricked my eyes but I refused to let them show.

"Where's Noah?" He asked and sat right back up. Really?

"Sleeping," my voice broke from wanting to cry badly.

"Can I see him?"

"Yeah," I hurried away so I could let the tears freely fall. I picked Noah up and cradled him so he would stay asleep while wiping tears away. I sat down on the side of our bed and stared at the door. What's wrong with helping?

Shaking his grouchiness off, I stand up and wipe my tears. I walk back to the living room and hand the baby to Jason only to walk back out. I just need some time to myself right now.

     "Baby," Jason sighed as he slowly walked into the kitchen later that night.

     "Yeah?" I looked over my shoulder at him as I focus on our bake potatoes.

     "I'm sorry about earlier. It was wrong of me to act like that when you were just trying to help."

     Sighing, I turn around and face him, "I know."

     "You know what?" He asked.

     "I know that you were frustrated an it's okay, I'm over it."

     "No," he butted in, "it's not okay. When I'm frustrated or mad, I take it out on you and that's not right."

     Nodding my head I walk towards him, "I love you."

     "And I love you," he smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist while kissing my lips.

     "I'm gonna go get Kyler now that you're feeling better, okay?" I asked as I set his plate of food out for him.

     "Okay baby. Be careful," he pecked my lips then went back to eating.

A:N - I'm having writers block again...UGHHHHHH


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