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     "It's a boy!" Dr. Palmer spoke as he pulled my baby out and set him down on my stomach so Jason could cut the umbilical chord.

     The nurses wrapped him in a blue blanket and put him in my arms, letting me look at him for the first time. Jason was sobbing as he looked at his son. He looks like me. He has my nose and everything. My skin color and my hair line. It is all me. I only hope he has Jason's eyes.

     "He's beautiful," I whispered and looked up at Jason who smiled and nodded. He held him and whispered sweet things to him before they carried him off to weigh him and clean him up.

     "He's so beautiful," I smiled and Jason leaned down and pecked my lips.

     "You did great baby," he whispered before kissing my forehead and grabbing ahold of my hand, "he's perfect."

     "Call my mom and tell her to bring Kyler. Call your mom too," I smiled.

     "Da Da!" I heard someone cheer and a smile immediately spreads across my face.

     "Shh, mommy is tired and there's a new baby in the room," Jason pointed towards the little crib that the hospital provides.

     Kyler looked confused but kicked his feet to get down. My mom picked him up and came over to give me a kiss, "can I see him?"

     I nodded my head, "you can't hold him though. He needs to sleep."

     Nodding her head, she walks over with Kyler in her arms and she smiled, "he looks just like you."

     "I know," I smiled and looked over to Jason who had the biggest smile on his face while he walked towards the crib also.

     "He's beautiful," my mom commented.

     "Where's your mom, babe?" I asked Jason.

     "On her way," his smile got even bigger, if thats possible. He's happy to finally have a family.

     "Butiful," Kyler said after some time and pointed towards his brother. He pronounced it 'boot-e-fu'

     "Awe," I awed and Jason gave him to me as I made grabby hands. He sat on my stomach as I talked to him.

     I love my life.

"Okay," a nurse that I do not recognize walked in with a clip board and a computer, "about the baby."

Jason and I both nodded and listened to her every word.

"First things first, the name."

Jason and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders before looking back at her, "a lot of things happened during the pregnancy so we never really had any time to talk about names," Jason explained.

"Okay well do you have any names now?" She asked and moved the mouse around to keep the computer alive. Her face makes me want to vomit.

"Uhm," I looked at Jason and he had a smile, "what?"

"Doesn't matter. This is all about you," he said and grabbed my hand.

Shaking my head, I made him tell me, "Noah," he rasped out.

"Babe! I love it," I smiled and looked at the nurse, "first name will be Noah."

"What do you like for a middle name?" Jason asked me and kissed my knuckles.

"Uhm..." I sat up a little but more and looked around the room for clues, "Allen?"

"Noah Allen McCann?" The nurse asked and got ready to type something.

"Yeah," Jason smiled and looked at the nurse, "Noah Allen McCann."

"Okay. Noah Allen McCann was born September 13, at 4:21 p.m. He is 4 pounds and 2 ounces. Ready to sign the birth certificate?" She asked Jason.

He nodded and signed the paper before she left us alone, "I don't like her," I whispered to Jason making him laugh.

Noah Allen McCann. 4 pounds 2 ounces. September 13, 4:21 p.m.

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