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"Yeah, I would say when Noah is about... around eight months old, I'll come back," I spoke to Mrs. Lawyer over the phone.

"Okay, sounds great," her happy voice spoke through the phone, "see you then."


I sighed as I changed Noah into some warm cloths after I changed his diaper. I pumped some milk and filled him two bottles before putting them in his packed diaper bag. I buckled Noah in his car seat before buckling Kyler in his.

I had to run some errands and Jason went out with Ryan so I am stuck with two kids to take care of while driving around.

     I carried the diaper bags out to my grey 2015 Dodge Durango. I grabbed the boys car seats last and hooked them up to their base before driving off.

     I did my grocery shopping, of coarse Kyler cried for every toy in the store.

     I bought Kyler more diapers and wipes. I also got Noah some new onesies and everything.

     When I was done with all of that, I drove to the nearest restaurant which happened to be Applebee's.

     We were sat at our booth and I told the waiter that we had one more person joining us. I called Jason to see what he was doing and he said he would meet us here.

     "Hey babe," Jason sat beside of me at our table as Kyler sat up in a high chair across from us.

     "Hey," I smiled and pecked his lips.

     "You were literally super mom today," Jason laughed as he kissed the boys foreheads.

     "I know," I sighed and took a sip of my water, "Kyler cried for everything in the store."

     "Kyler," Jason gasped and smiled at him, "you be good for mommy."

     "Okay, are you guys ready?" The waiter asked as she took out her notepad.

     "He'll have the chicken strip basket," I pointed towards Kyler, "and I'll have the bourbon street steak with garlic Mash potatoes."

     "How do you want your steak?"

     "Medium well," I smiled and handed her my menu.

     "And you?" She didn't even look at Jason as she asked the question.

     "Same as her," he pointed towards me.

     "Steak cooked the same way?" She asked as she wrote his order down.


"Are you driving home after this or are you going back out with Ryan?" I asked as I hooked the boys car seats up to their bases once again.

"Yeah," he smiled and pecked my lips, "I'll see you at the house."

I watched as he walked towards his white Range Rover, "love you!"

"Love you too!" He yelled over his shoulder and got in his car. So did I and I began driving off.

I followed Jason home and we pulled up beside of each other. I made him grab Kyler's car seat since it weighs more and I grabbed Noah's.

Noah cried the whole way home and is still crying. I unbuckled him and picked him up before lying him down on the couch. I changed his diaper and got one of his pumped bottles from the side of his diaper bag. I looked up at Jason and smiled, "do you wanna feed him?"

He slowly nodded his head before gently grabbing the baby and taking the bottle. He sat down beside of me and smiled, "I love how he looks just like you."

"He has your eyes," I commented.

"I know," he smirked, "but that's a good thing."

I laughed and stood up to give Kyler a bath and put him to bed.

A:N - this was literally just a filler chapter because I'm having writers block:/ yikes.

Xoxo - Alexa!

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