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     Noah is now three months old and today is Kyler's first birthday. I can't believe I gave birth to my first baby a year ago today.

     "Happy birthday baby boy!" I approached Kyler as Jason fed him a bowl of cereal.

     "Say, I'm turning one mommy," Jason held up one finger.

     "I turnin one mama," Kyler gave me a wide smile.

     I gasped and gave him a shocking look, "you are?"

     He nodded his head and opened his mouth for another bite of Cheerios.

     "What if I don't want you to?" I asked and sat on Jason's lap while he continued to feed Kyler.

     "Me have too MaMa!" He laughed and slapped his hands down on the tray of his high chair.

     I laughed and looked at him with loving eyes, "I know, baby."

     It's sad to see him grow up but it's also amazing at the same time. It's a good and bad feeling and I couldn't be happier for today.

     "So my mom, your mom, us, Kyler and Noah are just gonna be here today," I informed Jason as I stand up to get myself some breakfast.

     "Okay. There's some bacon and eggs on a plate for you," he told me.

     "Awe, okay."

For Kyler's birthday, I bought a cake for everyone to eat and made a smaller one myself for Kyler to play with.

We all sang happy birthday to Kyler and Jason helped him blow out his candles. Kyler immediately smashed his hands into the cake and started squeezing it in his hands and everything. He put his fist in his mouth to taste the cake making me laugh.

"There is cake in the kitchen already cut and ready for you guys," I spoke to Jason and I's mom.

"Okay, thank you honey," Pattie smiled and gave me a small hug.

"Yeah, thanks honey," my mom kissed my forehead and gave me a big hug.

"You're welcome guys," I smiled as I held Noah in my arms.

I handed him off to my mom so I could wash Kyler up. We let him open up his presents (with help from Jason) and put him to sleep later that night.

I sat in the living room going through Kyler's baby book. Tears started welling up in my eyes and I shook my head while looking through the pictures. How is he already one?

I ran my fingertips over a picture of Jason and Kyler in front of the Christmas tree on his first Christmas. Of coarse he was only twenty days old but it is still counted to be his first Christmas.

Oh my gosh! That means I had my birthday? My birthday is seven days before Christmas. December eighteenth. I guess Jason and I were so caught up in our first baby and his first Christmas that we forgot my birthday. That means I'm twenty right now.

I'm going to be twenty-one in thirteen days.

Tears fell out of my eyes as I flipped the pages that only showed his growth. It's really sad and heart breaking that your babies only get bigger, not smaller.

"Baby? Emily, what's wrong?" I heard Jason's concerned voice as he sat on the couch and wrapped me in his arms.

"It's just - he's getting so big."

"I know baby and I know it's harder for the mother to let go and let their babies get bigger, but you need to see this as a good thing. He's going to grow up to be just like us, Emily! Isn't that awesome?" Jason helped me, like always.

I cracked a smile and wiped my tears, "yeah. I just don't want him to get big. He's my baby."

"I know baby, but he's doing great. I love you, let's watch a movie," he kissed my lips and put the baby book away for me.

"I really love you," I smiled and kissed him again.

"Me too, baby."

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