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A single father looking for a babysitter to care for two daughters and a baby. Looking for a live-in nanny, if possible. The terms of days off and vacation may be discussed. Experience preferred. A room will be provided. The pay can and will be discussed.

Please call (562) 765 1234 regarding any questions or concerns.

"Hm," she hums looking at the computer screen.

"Maybe I should," she talks to herself.

"I should apply. I mean," she stops contemplating whether she should or not. She sits back on her chair. She probably shouldn't have her feet up moving in the chair.

She clicks on the link provided. This is where she provides her information and it feels like this is too much work to babysit three children. She babysat before but this was a full time job; this would be different. It would prove to be interesting. At the end, she uploaded a résumé hoping she'll get a call.

"Done," she sighs.

She continues to search for other jobs. There's a few that catch her eye but nothing certain. She'll have to wait and see if she gets a call. Her eyes look at the clock and it's four o'clock in the morning. She never meant to let time slip away but lately it's all she did. Finding a job had proven difficult.

What was the point of even going to a university when no one was hiring for her desired profession? Her degree worthless. Maybe she should do CNA work again. It was difficult but it paid. The long hours that waited and she was guaranteed a nursing home. The pay wasn't that great but it was better than starving.

She didn't want to go home to her parents. That was simply not an option. Her parents would probably remind her how she should've chosen a different career path. A nurse or a doctor seemed more appropriate in their eyes. She had thought about it but it didn't seem to appeal to her. She tried being a nurse but it didn't work. Her heart was set elsewhere.

Changing the subject herself. She looked through her email which was filled with unnecessary emails. Most of them where from shops she hasn't been to in a while or in years. One catches her eye. This was a good sign she thought.

"Off to bed," she whispered to herself but she was unsure of everything.

She started to wonder what the family would be like. It wasn't a sure thing she'd get the job. That didn't stop her to think about how each single member of the family looked like.


There was a young man with his paperwork scattered on his desk is trying to finish off his work. His hair probably needed a hair cut but it was the least of his problems. He can't help but be stressed with everything going on.

He missed his wife who had died less than a year ago. He missed the way everything seemed to go smoothly with her here. Things seemed to be efficient and he'd have time for his children but lately he couldn't make time for them. He missed her smile and the way she appeared at his door when he least expected. There was so much that he didn't know about his own child's needs and routine.

The maids couldn't handle everything between the house, errands, and adding the children didn't make it easy on them. He had nannies coming in and out of the house more often than not. He needed someone who was willing to stay more than a couple of hours and actually show up to do their job. He hoped that the nanny website would help him find someone reasonable.

It was then that he received an email at one o'clock in the morning from the nanny company. He was wondering if this one was willing to do a live-in. He had to look. He put his work aside and clicking on the link provided.

Name: Aubrey Madison Carson
Age: 20 DOB: December 24, 1994

Certificates or skills that may be useful:
I have a certified nurses assistant certificate; which means I can perform CPR. There some medical knowledge but not extensive. (Had the need to clarify.)

I, also, worked as a preschool teacher's assistant for a year. That may come in handy depending on how small your children may be.

Have you taken care of children previously? If so what age were the children.
Yes, I have. I used to babysit my neighbors kids when I was in high school. You'll find her as a reference in my résumé. I'm sure she'll tell you I'm capable of handling two boys. They were twins and they were both the age of seven. It's a very energetic age. There was a lot of activity planning.

Have you done live-in before? Do you have a problem with it?
No, I have not done it before but I know what it consists of. And I don't have a problem with it. I know I have to care for these children and see for them as a mother. I'm not saying you're looking for a mother-like figure.

Do you have a problem taking care of a household?
No, I have done it before. Sometimes, it was part of my job as a CNA to care for my patients home. I'm sure it will be no problem doing so since it will also be my home if I am chosen.

He continues reading smiling as he reads the application which may be blunt at times. He can't help but smile seeing how this girl answers some of the questions provided. There wasn't anything wrong with her answers but it was the way she responded.

Some may say that it would be questionable hiring her. He wouldn't lose anything by hiring her. He'd have a trial and see how the children liked her. See how she handled all of this. She was young but there wasn't anyone else bidding to get this job.

He quickly typed up a reply to the possible future nanny. Her email was her name so it was professional. He'd seen older people use some random user.

To: aubreymcarson
From: harrystyles

Dear Miss Carson,

I have received your application and resume. I'm impressed by your experience and knowledge. You show enthusiasm which is admirable.

I would like to set up an appointment with you. There we will discuss pay, your expectations, and anything else you may have questions about. I did read the questions you had.

I do work most of the time so you'll be the primary caretaker of my children. Talking of which, the oldest is Darcy who's seven years old. The second Emily who will be three in a few weeks. The smallest is Edward and he's almost a year old. He's a two months shy from a year.

You'll see how they are once we set up the appointment. I'm not sure how they're like lately. I've been too busy but I'm trying.

I'll leave you with my contact information. Please contact me as soon as possible.

click here

Harry Styles

Now, all he has to do was wait. He hoped to hear from her tomorrow. He doesn't know how much she's thankful for this response. They both need each other. Now, to see if they can help each other get through this.

{author's note}
September 14, 2015

So, we'll see how this goes. If you like it please comment, vote, or do something to let me know :)

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